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A couple of days have passed since Karlie was admitted to St. Louis assessment unit and those days have been the most peaceful the girl has ever experienced, the tests not being strenuous and mainly inconclusive which the teen doesn't mind. Kariann has been spending hours by her bedside, not bothering with her holiday homework as talking to her older sister is much more important while the other Kloss sisters have been visiting at intervals and trying to keep the parents away. Her latest psychiatrist has said Karlie's Dad isn't allowed to enter the premises however she can't stop her mother, who's apparently going crazy with worry, insisting that she needs to see her daughter even though she made no effort to protect her from the monster that turned out to be her father: Karlie is still bitter about that.

"Miss Kloss," the psychiatrist she's come to know as Fiona says as a way of introducing herself and interrupting the conversation between Kariann and her patient, "how are you today?"

Briefly flitting her eyes up, the teenager replies, "I'm good."

It's true. Ever since she'd arrived at the assessment unit, she's felt safe, away from the stress that life can bring. She's been eating, talking and generally getting out of the cycles she'd been in before. Kariann truly appreciated and even though she didn't particularly notice, the brunette has been realising that she's been much more relaxed and happy. Her and Kariann often ended up in the units small flower garden, admiring the small view over the city and enjoying the peace it brought them.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?"

The girl nods, "sure, can Kari stay?"

Fiona agrees, pulling up a chair and making herself comfortable while finding the correct notes in the huge folder the teenager has piled up. The sisters rearrange themselves, the younger girl sitting in between Karlie's legs with her head on her sisters chest: the picture of love.

"Several other professionals and I studied your notes yesterday Karlie. We had a small case-conference that was linked with some people at Harvard University and we came a to a conclusion."

It all sounds so serious to Karlie. Harvard is the most prestigious university in the world and they're talking about insignificant little her, who doesn't have anything really wrong with her and is quite comfortable where she is. "We discussed several things. Your mental health, physical health as well as your lifestyle."

"Okay," Karlie nods.

"And truth be told- we didn't come to a conclusion. Your physical health is fine. You don't have alcoholism as you don't constantly need to drink. Depression was never an option as you have dreams and although you have bad days, you're still putting yourself out in your social circles and generally having a relatively normal life. We did consider bi-polar disorder and BPD yet, again, neither of those fit in with your behaviour although many of us agreed your behaviour was near the symptoms of BPD. So it's been decided that we're going to keep you under observation for a while longer to see if we can come to a conclusion. Don't be worried though Karlie- everything's going to be fine." As Fiona finishes her speech her tone gets rather condescending.

"I don't need you to tell me that everything's going to be fine. Like you said, I have ambitions that I'd much rather be pursuing than being stuck in here. So just let me go and it'll be fine," Karlie fires back.

The psychiatrist sighs, "it's not that simple. Social services have to check your house and they're questioning your Dad over negligence and child abuse."

"Hopefully they'll lock him up," Karlie mutters underneath her breath. Holding her younger sisters hand, she sighs.

"Do you need to talk to me Karlie?" Fiona questions, giving that look that tells the teenager she knows she's thinking about something and that she should discuss it. "It could help?"

"Nope. You can leave now," the elder Kloss sister commands. She's always been an authoritative person and lately she's come into that role even more.

"Of course- please ring if you need anything." She gets up, tucking her chair in the corner and shutting the door with a gentle click, a habit the psychiatrist has got into as to not anger or disturb her more vulnerable patients.

It leaves Karlie with her sister, who can practically hear the cogs turning inside her older sisters head. The room is an eerie quiet and Kariann finds herself getting more uncomfortable by the minute, sensing the changing mood of her sister. From the lightness that was felt when the professional first enters, the atmosphere is definitely darker. "Karls," the younger girl says tentatively, "what's wrong?"

Nothing comes from Karlie- not even a signal that she's heard what her sister said. "Karlie, you're scaring me."

"Kari you should go," the brunette says darkly. "Go," she adds with more force.

This sends the younger girl straight out of the room, slamming the door and waiting to see if her older sister has any type of reaction, not quite sure what to expect.


It sounds like Karlie's suitcase hitting the wall, followed by a guttural scream that makes Kari cover her ears and start counting to calm herself down.


That's when the glass shatters.

That's when Kari runs to find someone that can help.

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