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"Miss Kloss, you're free to go now, remember your check up appointment in a week," the consultant says. The teen was made to stay in overnight to make sure she wasn't too badly concussed, all alone as the woman who had been beside her needed to shower and inform everyone at school of the happenings. It was hard to sleep but eventually she managed to, imagining the way the blonde had held her earlier, how their mouths had met once more, Karlie craving love from the older woman. They couldn't do anything much though as the curtains had made both of them feel quite claustrophobic and having them closed all time would be suspicious. "Are you okay?" Taylor asks Karlie as they walk out of the hospital to the teacher's car. The brunette rolls her eyes, sliding into the car, fed up of that question. "Karlieeee," the older girl whines, "answer me or you won't get what I was going to give you."

"Mhm, and what's that?" The younger american questions, amused at the whining from her fellow American.

"Answer my question first," the blonde instructs. It's met by silence, so the teacher continues, "or you'll never find out." Her hand has conveniently placed itself on the younger girls thigh, that atmosphere around them changing like English weather. Karlie knows what her guidance mentor is hinting at, licking her lips at the idea.

"I'd be a lot better if you kissed me," the daring teen smirks. Eyebrows are raised at this,

"Well, I don't think you're expected back at school for a while." The blonde puts the car in reverse, finding her way out of the hospital car park and turning down the road. The tension between them is heavy yet exciting, both of them wanting to make moves, the cyoungest struggling to stop herself from tackling the woman next to her as they drive along.

They're soon in the middle of the slightly soggy English countryside, not hard as the town housing the hospital is surrounded by rolling hills and neatly ploughed fields, as is the school the teen is being forced to attend. The blonde pulls into a field, killing the engine and turning to face the younger girl, pulling her in for a kiss. Karlie isn't going to refuse, pressuring for entrance to the older girls mouth with her tongue while snaking her hand down south. "Back seats," the older girl suggests, letting the taller of them go first. The brunette lies down leaving the blonde with no other choice than to straddle her, tracing her jawline with small kisses, sucking on her neck. The morning carries on like that until they have to go back.

The next day Karlie wakes up, at the correct time for once, rolling out of bed whilst checking her phone and applying makeup. Several texts have come in overnight, no one important apart from the blonde teacher she'd made out with yesterday reminding her about some homework she hasn't done. Sighing, the brunette finishes her face, slipping into some jeans and a turtleneck sweater with a lot more difficulty than usual thanks to the broken wrist. Then, deciding to skip breakfast, she lies back down on her bed, going over yesterday in her head.

The students thoughts are interrupted by the first bell of the day, images of Taylor's lips dying, replaced with a picture of her classroom. Another sigh leaves her mouth, grabbing her school bag, minus homework, and walking to the classroom as if nothing bothered her.

Inside the already stuffy room, a group of girls chat, all of them ignoring the american intentionally while the boys make the dick comments that hurt the seventeen year old. It's hard to ignore them, Karlie flings her legs onto her desk and puts in headphones, hoping to block the sexist comments, the 'harmless banter'. Except it isn't harmless, each word taking a chip away from the teen as she tries to forget and start afresh. Now it's just her and music.

Five minutes later, everyone has quietened down, sitting at desks although Karlie can't understand why as she's looking at the ceiling and being deafened by some rap song that's appeared on her playlist. Cara isn't around today, probably smoking to forget everything or something. Frankly, the teen is relived she doesn't have to face the fiery brit. All she wants is a peaceful day. It seems however, that she's not going to get that as her earbud is pulled out gently. "Nice of you to join us Miss Kloss," a new teacher says in a kindly way for once. Karlie looks towards the voice.

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