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"Christmas soon," Taylor says lightly as the brunette she's got so used to having around looks up from the English homework she's completing. It had taken a lot of doing to persuade the teenager to start it in the first place and while the teacher wants Karlie to complete the task, she also wanted to hear her lilting voice.

Pulling a face, Karlie replies, "you going back to the states?"

"Yes," the blonde nods, a faraway look coming to her eyes. "It's been ages since I saw my parents. I miss them." Theirs an awkward pause. The school girl doesn't have those feelings for her parents. In fact, she's dreading going back. She knows they'll say they've missed her but it's a show, a facade that the girl hates. Why don't they just tell her she's a failure? "I'm headed to St. Louis and then to New York for New Year," she tells her kind of girlfriend.

"Nashville and then New York. We should meet up." Their eyes meet and Taylor's blue eyes sparkle. It will be nice to see the younger girl out of a school environment.

Grinning now, showing all her straight teeth, Karlie agrees, "I can't wait!"

The next day is the second to last day of term, or semester as the American teen has always known it. She's looking forward to going home to see her sisters but her parents daunt her. They'll make their comments and it will hurt: by New Year Karlie will be at the end of her wit. But first she has to attend English followed by dance. English with Miss Hall.

No one is behaving when Karlie finally walks into English, seven minutes late exactly. The teacher she's come to dislike is nowhere in sight either. Perfect, she's got away with this again: that teacher should practice being on time. No one notices her at first as she skulks in the back desk.

A few boys turn to face her and send her chilling looks but nothing happens. They all look at each other. It's scary. "Good Morning class," the very English voice of the teacher trills as she sashays into the room. Everyone quietens down because she's hot and they want to hear what she has to say. "Hand in your homework and then get on with your projects please." It's obvious someone hasn't been planning her lessons and has overslept badly. That annoys Karlie. This is their education- why is she messing it up?

As usual, Karlie hasn't done most of the homework. She did the bare minimum but for some reason, the English teacher would be pissed off at her when she came around to discuss it. Plenty of the other snobs around here do the same as her yet they only earn a 'try better' not a lecture about how they aren't completing work to their full ability and they're obviously doing it on purpose. "Homework Miss Kloss?" She asks, coming round to the teens after collecting the others. The brunette gives her the quickly written paper and goes back to what she was doing before which isn't related to the project the class is doing. Above her, Karlie can feel the woman going through what she's done. "Didn't do much," she comments.

Shrugging, the American replies, "I did what was required."

A scowl takes over the teachers face. "You're not putting any effort into my lessons young lady. Detention after school... With me!"

"For fucks sake," the brunette says under her breath, a scowl taking over her pretty face, "I did what I was supposed to do."

For a second, the English teacher seems not to have a retort but then manages to muster up something. "You're not putting enough effort in! Go and stand outside and think about your attitude. I'll talk to you when I'm ready." Karlie huffs loudly, grabbing her new school bag, Louis Vuitton of course, and flouncing out of the room. Instead of waiting outside though, the girl walks down the corridor a bit and then flops onto the floor, taking her phone out. Therapy app or Instagram?


After posting several things, the teenager gets bored, going on the therapy app. She knows Taylor can see when she's on it but to be honest, she doesn't care. That bitch of an English teacher has it out for her just because she has a crush on the teacher that Karlie is very close with. Too close with.

"Karlie!" The said teacher shouts just then.

With a roll of her eyes, the teenager gets up- "I'm here."

"Have you thought about what I said?" She asks. Deciding to be honest, Karlie shakes her head and taps her fingers against her school bag. "Tough time?" The teacher then asks more gently.

Shrugging again, the brunette sighs, "it's been hard for a while. I'm sorry for not doing as much as I could. I've been a bitch and I'm sorry. Really sorry."

"Yeah I get it. It doesn't mean you get out of that after school though. Just try harder next time."

"Okay," again, the brunette is trying to be pleasant. She's starting to want to do well in life and fighting with her English teacher and falling off buildings and doing drugs isn't going to help. "I'll be there. But could I go and talk to Miss Swift?"

"Of course." She smiles before walking off, leaving Karlie to go and talk to Taylor.

When the teenager reaches Miss Swift's office, she walks in without much thought. She almost about to start talking when she realises that Miss Aldridge is also in the room. "Oh hey," she smiles awkwardly, "I can wait outside if you want."

Both of the women smile though and shake their heads. "Please stay," the headmistress commands. "Are you looking forward to flying back to America?"

Karlie is offhand with her reply, "Eh- I guess."

"Well social services have said that Miss Swift can accompany you to the airport to avoid to make sure we don't have a repeat of last time." The brunette pretends to not want that though, rolling her eyes and noticing that the blonde is struggling to suppress a smile at her crap acting.

"Okay sure... Whatever." It's then that Lily says one last thing to Taylor and then departs the room, leaving the two girls alone.

"So why're you here?" Taylor asks curiously. It's only half way through first period and she knows her lover should be in English. The blonde also knows that Karlie hates that class and the teacher that comes along with it.

"I wanted to see you so I got myself kicked out," the brunette half lies-half tells the truth. Taylor is about to start a disapproving speech when the teenager continues. "She had shouted at me for my homework and then told me to wait outside. We talked and then I came here."

"And that talk consisted of?"

"Well I apologised for being a bitch basically. And said I'd try harder next time."

The blonde holds out her arms at that point. She's unbelievably proud of how much effort Karlie is putting in to try and change. New Year is going to be amazing.

Please comment. I'm uninspired. And go comment some ideas on More Than Friends too?

Love you guys xx

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