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'Smirnoff Ice.'

'Sex on the Beach.'


'More Vodka I guess.'

Karlie is utterly smashed. She's been mixing the drinks ever since she left the hospital earlier and isn't regretting it in the slightest. With some random girls she's met earlier, she's planning on drinking all evening and then sleeping with one, if not two of them later. It's not like her and Taylor are exclusive anyway and the blonde has been being a bitch as well as lying to her kind of lover. "So..." One of the girls, Hannah if the brunette remembers correctly starts, slipping a casual arm around the student, "what are you up to later."

Deciding to be a tease, Karlie replies, "I don't know, I'll have to check my calendar to see if I'm busy."

"Just come home with me." Taking another sip, or mouthful, the red haired girl traces lines on the models toned stomach. "It will be me, you and the other two. No rules."

Smirking again, Karlie grins, "well now you put it like that. I do believe you should lead the way." The shorter girl calls her friends over, whispering that they're going back to the flat and they should come for some "fun with no rules." That means that as soon as the front door to the two bed apartment is shut, Hannah wastes no time in letting her hand slide up the brunettes body, peppering light kisses on the seventeen year olds jaw line. She has the runaway pinned against the wall, not letting her move a muscle. Karlie likes being the dominant one but doesn't complain, following the red haired girl through to the bedroom where she's shoved onto the bed. "I'm not taking your virginity am I?" The other girl requires, getting an immediate 'no' as an answer. That was taken by a blonde that's now being a complete bitch. "Good." She goes back to kissing the model who's hands soon start to move onto the older girls body. To her shock however, Hannah takes both of her wrists and pins them above her head, still kissing her.

A few more minutes of heated kissing and Hannah has leant back, surveying the seventeen year old. "God you're hot," she tells the brunette.

"No need to tell me," Karlie snaps back playfully, flipping the red haired girl over so she's in control and letting this practical stranger unhook her bra. From then on in it gets hot, both of the girls climaxing around the same time and the room is filled with moans of ecstasy. It happens four of five times over until they're both too exhausted to carry on. For once, the brunette decides theirs no harm in staying over, falling asleep next to the redhead and staying there until they both awake the next morning.

It's hard rainfall against the apartment window that wakes the pair the next morning, both of them groaning in unison as a banging hangover kicks in. "This is the fucking second day in a row," Karlie moans, swallowing more Advil that the girl beside her has provided.

Looking sympathetic Hannah asks, "bad week?"

"More like fucking bad year but I'm okay."

"You can talk to me about it if you want. I'm a good listener," she offers, sitting up and then wincing as her hangover makes her feel slightly worse for it. Karlie doesn't reply. "How about coffee and miracle hangover cure and we can talk?"

Nodding, the brunette says, "sure."

It's three by the either of the girls feel well enough to talk, the rain still drizzling lightly down the windows. They sit on one of the couches that are surprisingly comfy even if they look hard as rocks on the outside.its silent for a while as the brunette wonders how to explain her situation. It's complicated as fuck when she really thinks about it. Surprisingly, Hannah isn't feeling anything towards her after last night as a lot of girls often do, so she's perfect for the model to explain everything to. "Well," Karlie starts. "I'm regularly having sex with someone that it's illegal for me to have sex with. Then she revealed something to me which has ripped us apart as I can't trust her anymore. And to top it all off, my friend, who I am supposedly arguing with, tried to kill herself yesterday. Oh, and I have to see some pervy therapist because I ended up in a coma."

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