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This chapter contains mature content. Will contain the theme of suicide.

"Is she breathing?" Karlie demands as she runs through the slanting rain, hair already soaked as she drops to her knees, trying to find a pulse with shaking hands. She gets no reply as the only man on the scene hugs his wife to calm her down. "Fucks sake, is she breathing?" She yells, making both of them jump as Joan rings an ambulance behind them.

Stuttering, the man replies, "y-y-yes." Not gracing either of them with a reply, she finds the models pulse, a weak tremor coming from beneath her fingers, a shallow breath on her cheek as the brunette does all the necessary actions, stabilising the older girl as much as she can. "The ambulance should be here in five," Joan informs them all, a hand wrapping her body to stop herself from shaking: part from coldness, part from shock. "What was she doing? Why is she like this Adriana?"

"I..I have have no idea... She was acting weird and I was just walking with her to yours and...well, this happened."

Looking at eachother, the school girl and Joan agree- "drugs." Then it's silent, the soaking rain driving down on the pavement as they all stand, the youngest of them crouched over the collapsed model and constantly checking her breathing.

Through the powerful rain flashing blue lights hurtle down the deserted street, those deafening siren attracting all of their attentions. Karlie checks her new friends pulse once more, then standing back into the rain. "You should go," she tells Joan, "I'll text you soon." The youngest of them all is distancing herself already.

"No." All of them shout not quite simultaneously.

"You should go," Joan adds. "You know this shit- I'll meet you there." The brunette is about to argue but then sees the exotic girls face, a pleading expression adorning it.

The ambulance pulls up as the school girl agrees, "fine." She glances towards the ambulance men that are loading Behati into the emergency vehicle. "We'll be at St. Thomas'." The remaining three nod jointly as Karlie slams the back door to the ambulance, finding herself with the paramedics. Alone. No one really says much as they all survey the unconscious girl in front of them.

Two women sit in the office at Berkshire County School. It's still snowing lightly, a significantly heavier frosting covering the window ledge as they avoid talking about a certain girl and try to talk about something unrelated. It's silent at the moment, the blonde watching the fire with a bored glaze over her eyes. Inside her, her heart is sagging though, one of her 'students' weighing it down.

'Why does she have to do this to me. She knows I care, so why disappear like this. I should've told her in the beginning.' The teacher thinks. 'All I want is for her to be safe and keep herself safe.'

A small cough attracts her attention, "go relax Taylor- you'll be the first person I call if I have news."

Looking up, the blonde replies, "I don't think I can." Just as Lily is about to reply, one of her staff knocks, walking in seconds later with a grim expression adorning his face. He sees the younger girl but focuses his attention on the principal. "You don't happen to know where Miss Delevingne is? She's not in my class and doesn't appear to have attended her others today." Both of the women care for the rebellious Brit, confusion crossing Taylor's face as she shakes her head in reply.

"Miss Swift, would you mind checking Cara's room?"

Nodding, the twenty two year old obliges, leaving the room quickly and striding  up to where she knows one of her favourite student room is. The corridors are empty luckily so the woman doesn't have to face the students that are generally friendly with her as they know she's one of the best teachers in the school. And by best, they mean nicest.

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