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The bell rings, signalling the beginning of fourth period. This is Karlie's free period today when she agreed to go and see Taylor. Hopefully she wouldn't be too mad about the fact the brunette didn't do the homework she'd reminded her to seeing as she'd easily made up for it in the detention with Miss Hall and was well on her way to getting an A. In fact, she'd even brought her iPad so she could continue writing it, this time with her blonde guidance counsellor to stop her from getting distracted.

Without knocking, the tall teen walks into Miss Swift's room, about to say something that shouldn't be heard by anyone, only stopping herself just in time as she spies the dark haired English teacher she'd been with earlier. "Hey," Karlie then mumbles, putting her stuff onto the table and perching on the sofa.

"One minute Karlie," the blonde smiles, eyes lighting up at the sight of the teen. The two adults continue talking, being watched by the American over the top of her tablet as she pretends to be typing. She notices the way the English teacher touches Taylor's arm, a possessive feeling crossing her mind. Taylor is hers. No one else's. "Okay, I'll see you later Taylor," Miss Hall finishes, "oops, I'll see you later Miss Swift." With a childish giggle, she exits the room, not a word to the brunette who promptly rolls her eyes as the doors clicks shut.

"Karlie," Taylor mock scolds, seeing the eye roll, "I thought you liked her?"

"I don't like her when she's interrupting our time alone," the teen pouts. The twenty two year old joins her on the sofa, placing her hand on the younger girls thigh. Tensing under the sudden touch, all of the youngest Americans nerves are let go when the blonde brushes her lips against hers. She kisses back, holding the her teachers hips to bring her closer.

"Better now?" The blonde questions, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her students ear. Nodding, the teen pulls in for more, only to be stopped,

"Nuh Uh, Miss Hall told me you have homework. You can kiss me after you've done a bit more." A frown crosses Karlie's face at this,

"That's blackmail." But she pulls out her notes, then unlocks the iPad again, doing as she's told just to get kisses from Taylor again. Watched by the older woman, she begins to type. It seems that the blonde can't stop herself from talking to her student however as she interrupts,

"What are you writing about?" Reluctant to tell her as she noticed the teacher was vague whenever she talked about America's missing sweetheart. She also didn't want to seem like an obsessed groupie as she realised she talked about the star a lot, if it wasn't talking, it was playing her music on full blast while sitting in this room trying to do homework.

"Don't laugh at me?" The teen begs. Agreeing, Karlie tells her- "Taylor Swift and what she might be doing now." Taking a sharp breath, the twenty two year old grows cold. She has to like the one girl who was still a hardcore fan. God- she has to like a girl who's met Taylor before. A girl who misses the singer/songwriter more than anything. "I wish she was still around. I miss her so much." A single tear slips down the students cheek as she recalls the day she found out the singer had gone.

14th December 2010

"Karlie," the voice of one of my sisters calls me from downstairs, "you might wanna see this." Even from her bedroom, I could tell my younger sister is uneasy.

"Coming," I yell, not really thinking much of it and taking my time to slide my bookmark into my book and stroll down the stairs. The TV is on in the front room and I'm instructed to watch it by another of my sisters who takes my hand and presses play. Pictures of the singer Taylor Swift, who I absolutely adore, fill the screen and I smile in contentment. She makes everything better. Then the newsreader starts to talk.

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