Prologue 7

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The group walked through the mirror and came face to face with Crowley, who seemed to be shocked at how dirty and tired they all looked. His eyes then trialed off towards the white colored box and golden decoration in Chizue's hands.

"Pardon?! You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of a magestone?" The man sounded shocked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Uh....? Yes?" They all said in unison, looking at the man in front of them with wide eyes.

"I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it." The man mumbled." And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone!" Crowley then sighed in defeat." And here I spent all evenings preparing your expulsion documents." The three teens and the little monster look at him as if he had two heads.

"Are you serious?! While we were fighting' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!" Grim yells out, floating to get closer to the masked man. Shiro peeked from behind some of Chizue's hair, where he was hiding.

Shiro looked around him. He knew that he had felt the magic around them and started to feel a bit more comfortable. The only reason why kwamis were ever hidden was because of their power and magic, but he felt that would soon be different later on.


"Yeah. There was a monster, all right." Ace said, a frown on his face." A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!"

"Would you kindly relate this story in full?" Crowley asked them." But let's do this in my office." The group nodded and followed after the headmaster towards his office.


To say that Chizue likes the decoration and color of the headmaster's office is one thing to say. The whole room was different shades of purple, the color that she loves, and the gothic feeling it gave off. Crowley was sitting on his desk, looking at the three kids and monster before his eyes trailed off towards the box that was sitting on his desk. The seven portraits of the Legendary Seven were floating behind the headmaster. The eyes of the seven never left the only girl in the room, making her tense and praying for the eyes to leave her figure.

"Hmm." Crowley hummed." So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought back its magestone to me?"

"I don't know that I'd call it 'working together'." Ace said.

"It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time...." Deuce continues.

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