Third Heart

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Deuce zones out the voice of their professor as Trein when on about the long-lost country that was once ruled by four siblings that had disappeared after years of ruling before they appeared once more and left the country. The lost continent soon became forgotten as the last ruler of the country passed away, and no one was there to rule. It was an interesting piece of history, but his thoughts were somewhere else. 

His cyan eyes look at the pink hair female on his right from the corner of his eye before he looks at the scarlet eye male that was sitting behind her, Ace's expression being that of regret and longing as he stares at the girl's back. The Spade also noticed how the girl knew he -Ace- was looking at her before deciding to ignore him. 

He found it unusual. As far as he knew, the two of them didn't have a fight, but they had been acting weird for about a week since Ace had dragged her to his individual practice. It was since then that the two of them started to become weird. Shiro also noticed but didn't say anything along with June, who wanted to know what happened from both parties while Grim could careless at the moment, only indulging in food. 

While Deuce was writing some notes, he began to think of what could have possibly happened between them that had made the atmosphere around them so awkward. Did Ace say something offensive? Did Chizue get into an argument with him? If they did get into an argument, who was the one who started it? How did they get to this extreme? 

The navy hair male began to list things that came onto his mind that might have been the cause for the whole awkward feeling around them. His brain was trying to come up with possible things before it came up with one single possibility. His eyes widened at he slowly turned to look at Ace, who began to notice the way that Deuce was looking at him. The ginger hair male looks at him with a confused expression as he looks at the horrified look on Deuce's face. Just as he was about to ask the boy what he wanted, Deuce rose up from his seat and slammed his hands on the desk before he pointed at the scarlet eye male in an accusing manner. 

"YA PERVERT!" Deuce yells out, shocking everyone in the room along with the teacher. Chizue, Ace, and Grim stare at him with wide eyes at the words that were directed towards the Trappola. Lucius, who was sleeping on the girl's lap, jumped in the air from the sudden sound and hissed before getting out of the girl's lap and taking a seat on Trein's desktop and glare at the boy with its golden eyes.  

The whole class stayed silent for a second before the professor cleared his throat. 

"Mr. Spade, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Trein asks the boy, raising an eyebrow at him. Deuce tensed up before he slowly looked at the older male with a frightened expression as he saw the look that their teacher had in his eyes. 

"No... Nothing, sir." Deuce slowly said as he adverts his eyes from the teacher, cursing himself from making another mistake that would make his goal of being an honor student.

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