The Rose-red Tyrant 4

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Tension was rising all around the table as the people sitting only looked at the glaring red hair male with tense posters. Deciding to be the one who breaks the second of silence, Cater was the one who spoke up.

"Hey, Riddle! What's shakin', pal? You're lookin' adorbs, as always!" Cater tells the bluish grey eye male, who directed his glare to him.

"Hmph. Cater, keep running that mouth, and you'll lose it - along with the rest of your head." Riddle warns the third year, causing said male to tense even more.

"Sorry! Sorry! My bad!" Cater immediately apologized.

"Myah?! You're the guy who put that stupid collar on me at the orientation ceremony!" Grim speaks up, causing Chizue to look at him with wide eyes.

That little tanuki! Now he has Riddle attention on him!

Riddle looks at the cat-like monster before his eyes trialed off towards the only girl in the school, who was just as tense as all the others around her.

"And you're the new students who were nearly expelled yesterday. I'll ask you not to refer to my Unique Spell as a stupid collar.'" Riddle scolds the tanuki." The headmage's habit of tolerating rulebreakers like you is going to send this entire campus spiraling into chaos one day. Those who break the rules should have their heads removed immediately, without exception."

"Dude, seriously? This guy looks like a wimp but talks like a monster!" Ace said under his breath, his friends slowly nodding their heads to agree with what he said.

"The headmage may have forgiven you, but if you break any further rules, I assure you I will not." Riddle warns the girl, who smiles at him awkwardly.

"We'll try to stay out of trouble as much as possible." Chizue reassures him, earning an approving hum from the red-haired dorm leader.

"So, uh, listen, housewarden, sir." Ace speaks up, taking Riddle's attention from the female." Any chance I could get you to remove this collar?"

"I had intended to remove it once you'd taken an opportunity to reflect upon your crimes." The Heartslabyul dorm leader admits." But I've not detected so much as a hint of remorse in the foolishness I've heard you spout today. So I think I'll let you keep that for a while."

"But, what about classes? How will he be able to do a class if it requires magic?" Chizue asks the prefect, who looks at her.

"Don't worry. The freshmen curriculum is more focused on magical theory than practice." Riddle answers before turning to look at the collared male." And your inability to use magic will help prevent incidents along the lines of what happened yesterday. Now, if you've finished your meal, you should quit gossiping and prepare for your next class. Rule 27 is quite clear:' One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch'. You DO understand what happens to rulebreakers, I trust?"

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