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Leilani Marie Johnson
August 2023

"So what? Ya'll finna wait for the baby ta' be born before ya'll get married?" Jah asked me as I stopped at a red light. I just picked him up from his house cause he ain't feel like driving and now we are on our way to our parents house.

"Yea, we can't wait to get married but we're not in a rush either. Plus we want our baby in the wedding pictures" I shrugged driving off from the light once it turned green.

"Understandable. Junior was 3 years old when we got married 5 years ago" He spoke looking out of the window as I made a right into our parents neighborhood. I turned my head to glance at him when it got quiet and eyed him as he continued to look out of the window.

"You okay bubba?" I glanced at him as I pulled up at the gate of the estate. I rolled my window down and put my face in the facial recognition machine and waited for it to approve. I looked up and waved at the security guard who waved at me before pulling off and rolling my window back up.

"Yea...I'm good" he spoke almost above a whisper, sounding like he was trying to convince himself as I pulled up infront of the gate. I grabbed the remote from the middle console before pressing the button to open the gate, watching as it started opening.

"We don't gotta talk about this right now but remember you can always talk to me okay bubba

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"We don't gotta talk about this right now but remember you can always talk to me okay bubba. I'll always be here to listen and help where I can" I told him as I drove in the yard and parked the car before turning it off and leaning back in my seat looking over at him.

"I kno' and I appreciate you fa' 'det Munchie" he gave me a small smile which I saw right through it but decided to talk to him about it later. I leaned over the console and hugged him and he hugged me back before we both got out of the car and made our way into the house.

"Mommy! Dadie!" I yelled throughout the house as we walked in and immediately took our shoes off at the door, slipping our house shoes on.

(A/n: pronounced Dah-dee)

"Girl, If you'on stop allat yellin' in my damn house" My dada walked out of the kitchen mugging me making me return it as he walked towards the living room and plopped on the couch.

I walked past the couch he was sitting on before slapping his neck making him jump to look back at me as Jah and I bust out laughing before I quickly wobbled into the kitchen seeing my momma.

"Hey mommy" I smiled walking up to her and hugging her as she kissed my cheek and rubbed on my belly before we pulled away and she continued making food.

"You want some tacos?" She asked as I walked to the refrigerator and looked for something to eat on. I grabbed the grapes before turning to face her and nodding my head.

"Yes please momma. Can I have 3 of them?" I asked her and she nodded her head while I went to sit on the counter. My phone started ringing just as Jah walked into the kitchen with a huge grin formed on his face once he spotted momma.

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