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Oh my God! Did I wet my bed? Why am I mmmh fuck, wet dream? The fuck

Quickly opening my eyes and jumped, only to find Enora eating me out. She giggled and looked up at me, "you said I should remind you and here I am, now get up and fuck me." She said getting off me and laid herself next to me. Naked as the day she was born. Still giggling, she's so full of life.

"Mmk okay girly, let me have breakfast" I said kissing her on her forehead, and she giggled. I trailed down to her neck with kisses, licking and kissing till I reached her sweet spot. She moaned, my hands traveled up to her titties, which are small but not too small. Just moderate small. I pinched her nipples a bit, she let out a whimper which I personally liked. Kissing her down her chest till I reached her titties, stuffing one in my mouth like a pacifier. With the free hand I cupped her pussy and she moaned, slicing in-between her lips to feel how wet she is and must I say. "You're wet for me Princess?" "Y-yes ma'am please" she said, which turned me on.
Making marks starting on her titties down as my tongue trails down and nibbles with her belly ring. Reaching her pussy I blew it up. What a moaning mess.

"Please E fuck me already, stop teasing" she said with a hitched up voice.
Finally lapping her pussy like a dehydrated dog, she moans and squirms grabbing my head and stuffing it in-between her.

Inserting two fingers in her hole without warning she screams, which I'm sure my brothers heard. Continuing to suck and lick on her whilst my fingers are moving in and out I feel her walls clenching on my fingers. Keeping the pace constant I continued eating her out, but faster. "Holy m-mother of Jesus, fuuuuck!!" With that she released.

Taking out my fingers I licked out her pussy cleaning her up, giving her the fingers with cum for her to suck.
Gladly doing so, I pressed on her sensitive clit. Fucking her with my tongue, after 2 more releases she laid out tired.

"You said you wanted me to fuck you girly" I said with a chuckles, she lazily giggled "and you did a good job, better that most men." After an hour rest we took a shower and got dressed. Lucky for us I have a side of her closet at hers and so does she here. I get into loose trackpants and a crop top. Showing my little belly, I hate the gym. I don't see the need to go anyway. I have a cute body with thick thighs, hips and bums. Not too much but not to little as well. Just perfect, I can run though. Not fast.

She came out in a white skirt, a pink vest and a white cardigan. Pairing them with white sneakers. Enora is a little but not around everyone, she's a conservative little if I may say.

I went up to her and brushed her hair as I tied mine to a low ponytail, I'm just a lazy person. Opening the door a smell of food knocks at my nostrils, I swear I'm pregnant. Everything smells bad or oily in the morning, hence I hate waking up.

Walking down the stairs with Enora we reached a clean kitchen so obviously the boys hired a cleaning company. They'd never clean up, ever.

"Good morning guys!" Says Enora with a chirpy happy voice which annoys me in the morning. "Hey Nora, your friend seems annoyed and who was screaming in your room E" with Enora not being able to hide stuff or lie her face instantly tells the story. "Oh My God! The E's fucked, who would've thought?" Said Rune clapping his hands. "You're making fucken noise Rune!" I said annoyed. "Fuck yall really did, so you're dating? You're a lesbian now? No wonder I've never seen you with a man" Armel said laughing. "No we're not dating, eew. We just started today, we usually kiss and hug that's all. We're friends" "Fuck can we be friends Nor?" Says Rune. Enora giggles, "Silly boy, no and E is bisexual don't be homophobs okay?"

Leaving them behind I went to sit in my car, and reading over Mr Amari's contract. Finally seeing it as clean and a great deal I email it to Armel to sign.

Seeing the time, it's lunch time already and I crave something sweet. I started my car and drive over to a nice coffee shop, not fancy or bland but just okay.

Finally arriving I walk in and order 3 slices chocolate cake, chocolate Sunday and pretzels with chocolate.

I'm a chocolate freak, yaay! Bully me now.

Getting my orders all at once I started devouring, tasting every bit of chocolate. Not in a hurry, just taking my time. By that I took an hour to finish everything. After that i ordered water and just sat there, letting everything sit. Armel text me saying he signed and sent the papers.

"Good morning miss" I looked up to a Butler or security looking person. "What?" I said rolling my eyes. I hate being interrupted when I'm alone. "Alphas over there would like your company" "Tell them I'm not selling, go on." Without wasting time he leaves, leaving me to my phone. Approving the deco and everything for the Tech event.

After 5 to 10 minutes a throat being cleared beside me. Two men oh no rephrase 2 fuck me now looking men  staring at me. With every bone in my body I resist the need to submit and look down and maintain my boss bitch side. Within me I want to look down till they tell me to look up, they have a dangerous yet alluring aoura. A very dark energy and yet inviting.

"You're gonna look at me till when?" I said collecting a confident voice and tone. But my face is already hot, meaning it's pink as fuck.
"I could till I die if you let me" one of then says in a mysterious deep voice, yet soft but the soft the scares you shirtless and makes babies cry for hours.

"Don't be a creep, what do you want?" The other is staring right into my soul, I can feel his eyes piercing through my soul.
"Killian, this is Kian. We sent our security to you, you said you weren't selling your company. We're willing to negotiate" looking straight in my eyes searching for emotions. Which I don't give him easily. "Not up for negotiation either" he chuckles, with that I just want to spread my legs over this table. "We take what we want anyway", they sat right infront of me.

"What's your name?" He askes drinking my bottle of water, trying my best not to play into what he was doing I answer. "Eris" he humms in response. "We're taking you out tonight, 17:00 pm sharp, we'll send a guy to pick you up" just as I was about to protest. "I wasn't asking" he said taking my phone off the table before I could snatch it the other one held me down with a strong grip. Finally being done he places it down. "See you in 4 hours Eris".  I've never heard my name being said like this.

Leaving me struck up, I paid and drove back home. At 40 km/h, that's how captivated I was. Arrived at my house to a house filled with laughter, I smiled. I wish this could last forever.

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