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"What the fuck are you doing here? Try to kill me again huh?" I said gritting my teeth. Looking at both of them as they just bombarded my office at the Tech house. "Good day Ms Rodrigo, we've come to pick up Nick" he says with a straight face, a face that scares me a little bit. "I can only drop it off, set it up and activate it myself, what you deaf?" I said not looking at them but focusing on my laptop. Not for long as he roughly closes it, "then stand the fuck up and go with us" "no" I said turning my chair around to face the wall. "Oh so you're acting bratty now? Huh Bellissimo?" Every Fibre in my being stops at the name. "I'll go when I am scheduled to" I say folding my hands.

After a minute of silence I hear a click on the door and my chair being turned aggressively and I let out a squeal.

"See I tame brats into being good little girls, seems like you want a demonstration too huh?" My throat too dry to talk I just stare at him trying to process his words. "Cat caught you tongue now Ms blabber mouth?"

Still nothing comes out, "Good girl" he coos and my panties flood.


Finally getting hang of myself I speak up, "Are you done? I need to work. Set up an appointment" I say, as flustered as I am. I never stutter, ever. "It's either I take you out here over my shoulder, or you walk yourself out or you walk yourself with a purple ass. Choose one" my mind traveling to jupiter and back. The thought of a purple bum turns me on, I can't ever be embarrassed infront of my workers. I guess I have two choices.

"Let's go, send me the location. I'm not driving with any of you" I said demanding, with as much authority as I can. Which came out as a whisper, I'm a joke now.

"Kian is with you, not asking you anyway"

He says as they leave the room. I let out a heavy sign and a deep breath, fixing myself a drink and gulped it down. The burn tones down the tension in my body.

Going to the Tech room I scan my hand and take Nick with me. Leaving the room I take the delivery cars, which don't look like delivery cars. Looks like a family car that anyone can get, not eye catching. But get inside, it's a catfish car. Going down to the garage the men are standing outside a goddamm SUV. I walk  beside the Grey family car, they look at me like I'm crazy.

"You're practically a millionaire and you drive that shitty thing? Fuck no get in here" he says demanding. "Kian get in or don't" I say nonchalantly as I place Nick under the back seat inside a safe underneath the seat. "That thing might not even reach where we are going" he says disgustingly. I get in the car and drive towards them and stood infront of them. "Send me the location" I say peeking out the window. I hear my phones message alert, meaning that's the location.

"DC take the recently sent location on my phone and access it" "location accessed" they look at me obliviously and came to see the insides of the car. Only for their eyes to widen and stared in shock. "Anymore words? See you at your warehouse" I said driving, I kind of like driving on my own.

Finally setting the car, I see my surrounding and all. The car drives itself to the location as I go to the back and set Nick. No one must ever see how we set this ever, it's my family and I to know. Finally finishing it off the car stops as well. Meaning we've reached the destination, not even 5 minutes later the guys arrive too. Killian comes to open the drivers door for me, not finding me there.

"Back here, it drives itself" I said packing up and opened my door. With the metals box at hand I close the door. In a quick span Killian pins me beside the car, "when with me I open and close doors for you understand?" Towering me like I'm a kid, so tall, so handsome, so masculine. Perfect jawline, tight muscles popping out the suite, tattoos starting from the Jaw down his neck. I could say he's 6'7, and I'm 5'6 yeah I'm a short baby.

"Stop gawking at me like a little wanting a pacifier, or you want one?" I gulped and nodded no quickly, "I understand, let's go in." Trying to move from his hold he finally releases me and we walked in.

Come to think of it these guys are tall and big. Kian might be 6'9 as he is taller than Killian, fuck. Both looking like fucken body builders, sexy ones at that. Killian with a blonde buzzcut and Kian with a fade and long hair tied into a bun. Nice healthy looking hair.

We finally stop at a huge black office filled with Tech, I feel at home finally. Looking around the three nerds hands moving on the keyboard. I peak what they are doing and notice mistakes.

"Hey, move off" I tap the guys shoulder, he looks at his bosses obviously and looks at me. "This isn't a woman's play ground, find makeup or something" the others laugh, and I chuckle. "Move and see what my make up is" he moves and points the seat sarcastically.

I work on their wall breakage for 10 minutes and broke down the walls they were all breaking at once.

"Here, done. You're a disgrace to nerds, find make up. Oh get Rare beauty" I said standing up and going to Killian. "Where am I setting this?" "Follow me" he says as we walk into a room, in which he entered scanning his hand in.

The room is Tech even on the walls, everything is beeping red and blue. Marvelous, I smile like a fool as I walk in. I find a suitable place and nick my finger, dropping my blood in a small box making sure they can't see me. I close it and plug it in.

"It's online, your servers can work it now. I'm leaving" I say walking past them but no, pulled back to hit Killians tough chest..

"Good job missy, I wanna thank you. Today, 19:30" I gulped and looked at him, nodding my head. "Words" "Y-yes" I say stuttering. Wait did I just stutter?  "see you soon Bellissimo"

He let's me go and I walk past the guys, he follows me. As we are about to leave the compound a guy comes in with blood all over his body.

I'm scared of blood.

I stop ìn my tracks feeling my chest closing in. I can't breath. I try taking deep breaths as I hear a voice talking to me but I can't make out the words. Feeling body weakening I fall an my knees and I blackout.

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