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"It has to be a showstopper, we're not just Mafia men that kill people for a living. We can have fun in our way, let's not make if unbearable is it already is yeah?" Mason says walking around a table filled with the world's deadliest men. All we needed was Jeffery Dahmar to seal this all off.

Our mafias always find a way to have fun, 3 times a year. Nothing but fun, ofcourse we get fights and interruptions but nothing can stop the fun.

"Annually we host parties right, so this year the theme is Mafia wife. I know each and everyone has a, what's the right word other than bitch? Yeah whatever that may be. We all know except for Kian and Killian, hopefully they will pull through. On to the business at hand, Mafia wife. It's a week long thing as usual. First day, you bring the wife, second day the diamond baby, third day the whore, fourth day the boss bitch and lastly just bring the submissive in her. The last two days will be spent at the ocean on the island. The second time we meet to have fun, we'll address everything yes?" He said sitting down.

It's a good thing we're all allies, otherwise he'd be dead by now.

With that my phone rings, Nick. Quickly answering it.

"What? Is she okay" I said, the room goes silent.
"Boss she's okay but we have a problem"
"Speak!" I said a little loud, earning eyes.

"Her building got bombed- Yes I know you stupid thing what's the issue!" I said louder.
"Your moms family house, main house and main warehouse have been bombed"

"WHAT!!" I said standing up, if these windows could break from voices they would be in pieces now. The whole table looked at me with concern in their eyes.

"You did bomb her legacy Alpha" he said hanging up on me as I throw the phone on the wall. It breaks in halves obviously.

"What's wrong?" Mason asks
"Our main house, warehouse and Queen house have been compromised. Down to fucken ashes, FUCK!!! let's sort out this bitch brother" he was already rushing towards the door.

The only thing that came to mind was the disappointment and disapproval Mom will have. That's the house that's been passed down to 10 generations already. We lost it, just like that. She has to pay, she must.

Driving over to her house, we reach a dark house. No lights.

Not bothering to knock we walk in, with our 10 guards we usually drive with.

"I've been expecting you boys, don't make noise. My brothers are asleep" she says in the dark. "Lights" she said.

Appearing in a outfit that can compromise this situation.

"You see I don't take lightly to disrespect towards my family" she said gulping something I guess is whiskey

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"You see I don't take lightly to disrespect towards my family" she said gulping something I guess is whiskey.

"Look you take, I take. 50/50. I hate bullies" she says opening her legs wide.

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