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Seeing her lying down lifelessly ripes me apart. But she looked beautiful, flawlessly ravishing. With beautiful red hair, she is a fire cracker but also a little fairy you can easily stomp. I like that about her, best of both worlds. Seeing how my mother looks at her gives me life, he doesn't speak but his eyes and actions scream.

The other day at the restaurant he choked her, to him its not wrong. He doesn't like it if I'm being disrespected or ignored, he acts upon I'll treatment against him or me. Being mafia men is something we take pride in, we talk more than we act. With Eris I talk more than I talk In a week collectively. She has that effect. For now she is being protective of herself and we respect that, but we will break her till she is vulnerable to us. Craves our touch, protection, approval and everything.

Seeing her owning her event made us see that she indeed deserves to be beside us. Ruling the Italian-Arabic mafia, our mafia has to approve of her. Our family too, otherwise it will beautiful big problem.

I'm Italian and Kian is Arabic, we found each other through our parents who were mafia leaders. We killed them and took over, joining both Mafia's. It's the biggest thing anyone has ever seen, and it feels good.

Kian and I have shared women all our lives, he loves pets and I love submissives. Finding one that satisfies the both of us in every way had been hard, to a point where we haven't found one. Hoping that Eris is the one for us. With the number of women we've been with, all that number is dead. We don't keep them alive, we kill them. Simple.

After Eris lost consciousness in our warehouse we took her to our house, called a doctor and she worked on her. By now she should've been awake.

Knocking on the door as I enter, I don't approval you just have to know I'm coming In. She's lying on the bed awake.

"Walk in don't be a creep and stare" Still a brat I see. "Even after that episode, you act up like a bitch" I say looking down on her. "I'm not a bitch, I'm the word bitch. The reason why it was created in the beginning. Come correct" her come backs amaze me sometimes. They turn me on.

"You've been out for two hours, your car has been taken to your company. The driver Nick with take you to your house. 19:30 is still on" I said walking out. Knowing she will want to hassle and basssle with me. Which I don't have time to entertain.

Noting in my head that she is afraid of blood, which will be a down fall for her. We get in contact with blood everyday, tough one if you ask me. I hope Kian doesn't do anything about it, he's rough and tough.

Walking down to the basement after texting Nick to take Eris home, just to check on Kian.

Finding him doing what he does best, breaking people

"Anything yet?" He nods. A guy tried to steal our shipment, we got him but he isn't talking.

"Who sent you and I'm asking for the last time" I ask him as calm as I can be. Seeing that his face is rearranged and there's blood gushing out of his body. His clothes are wet with blood.

"I'm not telling you shit" he says spotting blood. "Mmk" I say strolling over a saw, "I guess we'll just have to see, see what I did there?" I said chuckling, Kian took off his eye.

"What the fuck? Crazy lunatics, let me go!!" He starts screaming as I start the saw. "Okay okay, I'll talk" he says as I go closer to him. "You have till I reach you, talk" "Amari sent me." Stupian Spanish fucker. Kian walks closely to him and snaps his neck.

"Damn dude I was about to have fun" I say turning off the saw. He just shrugs and walks off. "19:3o be ready" I shout knowing he heard me.


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