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"Damn it's finally over at last!" Anderson yells as he launches himself on the couch.
"Now there's one more thing, Xavier" Killian kills the mood of a fine afternoon.

"I've always said Killian is a mood killer"
"True that" I agreed with Andy because what?
"I think about shit okay? Baby aren't you going to cancel this or something. It's a death match for fucks sake"
"Don't worry about me, I've got this. I have to pick up a device at home today, it's an unlaunched one. It's a body reader. I'll wear lenses and they will show me his body's weak links." I said shrugging because really, I got this.

"She's smart, I love her. You do know that you could destroy the world with a button right?" Anderson says.
"Yes sir, I hope the world doesn't anger me" I smirked. Come to think of it, I could do that.

"Don't think about it cracker, I'm already scared of you" he says lifting his hands surrendering.

"What time are you leaving? I want to meet your brothers?" Bless Andy for being a socialite.

"Now" I said going upstairs to wear something. I know they are both home, my cameras showed me.

"Let's go Andy, you guys behave. My brothers will kill you, I would go with you really"
"Well I'm the nice guy so I get to go" he says jumping over the couch.


"Why didn't you call? We knew you were alive and well bit fuck we needed to hear you"
"I know, I know. But I'm here now aren't I?" Addy and I sit down.
"This is Anderson by the way"
"We're sorry for keeping her from you guys, she's just too amazing to let go. To apologize we would like to invite you for dinner today and fill you in"  

If I would say my brothers were happy I would be lying.

"This is bullshit to he honest but we want to know, we will be there. Pick your shit and go" 

I can tell they are mad especially Rune, he isn't even talking. As much as I act like I do not care, I do. It peirce me inside that I chose them over my family.

Going to my room i enter a secret room behind my shower. You get inside the shower then press a specific tile up top. Smart? I know.

Entering a small room, more like a 4×4 room with only important stuff inside. I unlock project sun and activate it. Putting the lenses on my eyes, setting them to my original eye colour.

Walking down stairs I hear chatters, mostly from Addy.

"Anderson here tells us that you almost killed 3 bitches and a man this past week. Are you ever gonna change?" Armel asks
"Are ever going to stop hosting parties at my house?" I asked sitting beside Armel.
"Got it, it's a no"
"Good see you tonight then"

Me and Anderson make our way back with small chatters.

Finally arriving home, the guys are in their office working as usual. You'd swear there's nothing to life than work.

"My brothers are coming for dinner and I've picked the house" I said sitting down beside Andy, facing both Kian and Killian.

"Okay, I'll call the chef to prepare something. Send me the information and I'll purchase it"
"You owe me reasons"

"The main house you bombed is supper to host a family thing in 3 weeks now. Mom will be here next week, obviously to prepare whilst staying there. We can't let her see it still in construction she'll have our heads. Literally"
"Awe scared of mommy? Cute. Anyway it's none of my business, you did me bad  and I did you worse"

I should be remorseful on how Killian is saying this, apparently it's a past down heirloom. Quite frankly I don't give a fuck, it's not my heirs that will get the house anyway. Fuck it.

"It kind of includes you, the plan is to say we bought a house and a fiance. So a house warming and an engagement party. That way she will have to stay here whilst we live at the new house, meaning you'll be doing the planning" Killian says nervous, as he should be.

"You didn't think that she'll want to stay at her house anyway huh? Smart of you. Why would she want to live here whilst she can have the glory of living in her own house?" The room grows quiet. Proving they didn't think of that.

"Tell you what, tell her the new information that you're hosting this year. She'll stay with us at the new house. Meaning she'll arrive atleast a week before the event and then leave after. Tell her before she comes, now I have to deal with being your fake fucken fiance? When is this gonna end? Don't call a chef, I'll cook for my brothers. Might as well fire your chefs. I'm not eating their food again, I'd rather not eat and die"

I got up and left before any arguments or words said disputing mine. I said what I said and I'm standing by it.


My brothers arrived 20 minutes ago and we had been eating before the talk. I made steak and mash potatoes, the gents liked it. Plus I made steak and kidney pies, loved them a lot. For dessert I made my mom's famous blueberry cake and punch.

"So here's the deal, I met this guy Xavier. We kicked it off wrong and we have a octagon death match tomorrow. Next I have to go to Russia and talk to Anastasia on allowing a attack against a team that eradicated almost all the warehouses the guys have. They are in the Mafia, I've been introduced to the team and we have to fake an engagement"

My brothers mouths were literally on the floor, shocked and confused.

"First of all, Mafia? Second of all a fake engagement till when?" Rune said.
"The news will die down and people will forget. Yes the Mafia, I'm not part of one. I'm helping, as much as I'm not part of the government but I help them"

"After all she has said you completely disregard the fact that she has a death match?" Killian asks dumbfounded.

"She can handle herself. But how do you guarantee safety, you know how Aunt Anastasia is. She maybe our Aunt she doesn't mess around when it comes to business. She might kill you"

Which is true, that woman is a fire cracker and doesn't spare anyone.

"You know her? You didn't say shit though"
"It wasn't Important Killian"
"Of course it wasn't" he mumbles

"Hence you guys are here, I'm taking you two, Anderson and Monica. A girl I almost killed, a few female fighters and less men. You guys are staying behind, should I get an alert that you are on air. I'm sending the whole of Russia on your asses"

"The fuck not"
"It's either that or all of it is off Killian. It's better this way, you'll leave important things here vulnerable. You'll hate me now, thank me later. Don't go the fuck out when we're not here"

"She's making a good point brother, you know it. Russia is different from here. Understand that, Canada and Russia are two different places" I'm glad Anderson is on my side on this one.

"Fankulo!" Kian says banging the table, breaking it down. It's glass, none of us fazed by his actions.

"Break everything" Rune says getting up.
"See you at the arena sister, break that bitches neck for me" Armel also stands up and leaves.

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