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It's been 2 days since I last saw Kian and Killian, after that day as it usually happens I had a dream of what happened. I'm so embarrassed, I wanna sink myself inside lava and burn to eternity. I hate it when that happens, especially if no one who knows what's going on is allowing to happen.

Today I had asked them to come over to my house, a place where I feel safe. Lucky for me my brothers are here again to tell them about this, not that I told them what really happened.

Haven't be going to work lately, I kind of feel embarrassed like everyone knows what I did.

Wanting to feel as comfortable as I can be and hide the purple marks that are starting to fade on my thighs

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Wanting to feel as comfortable as I can be and hide the purple marks that are starting to fade on my thighs.

"They are here sis" taking a deep breath I walk downnthe stairs hoping and praying that they never use this against me.

"Kian, Killian, Rune and Armel. Welcome" I tried to make it as quick as I can as we sat down.

"After what happened I'm sure you're confused of what happened and I don't know how to so my brothers will"

"Hello to you too" Killian said being a corky fuck as usual.
"This isn't the time Killian, fuck off" I said.

"Eris has Dissociative identity disorder. That being triggered by her names, nothing else. Eris is more of a pet or a slave, which I'm told you have met. Ms Rodrigo is the CEO, which the whole country has seen and heard from. You have also seen her, then Morana is a lose Cannon. A death dealer in a few words, she's classy, sneaky, charming, manipulative, attentive and a fighting machine. That's one person you don't ever want to meet, when she takes control it's hard for her to be pulled back in. Then there's E, E is a cute, nice, confident, bitch like friend who speaks her ground. All I all beware of who you call. Seeing that she hasn't been taking her pills for two weeks it has been easy for her to split. But when she is under medication in the right way, she can control the split. Questions?"

The guys looked like they saw a truck filled with floating guns or something.

The silence in the room swallowed me whole, part of me felt happy that it is done.

"So you're telling us that whatever happened is something you wouldn't do as any of your personalities?" Killian asked, his eyes begging for me to day something he needed to hear.

"I would, if they were comfortable in doing so" his eyes clears and I said.

"Apology dinner? Today 18:30 I'll pick you up" I said looking at them.

"You don't get to order us around Missy" he says gritting his teeth. "Whatever, be ready at 18:20. You may take your leave"  I said standing up and going to my room.

Taking out a heavy breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Walked to my medicine cabinet and took out my daily 3 times a day dose, as I take it for the second time. Making mental note to set a reminder so that it doesn't happen again that I forget meds. I could've killed people or myself, landed on the wrong hands as Eris and a lot of things could've happened.

Tears trailing down my cheek as I remember my last serious encounter with Morana back in high school.

°°flashback °°

"Here's army girl, like your hair. Ms bloody Mary" hazel said pulling my hair. "Stay the fuck away from me!" I said annoyed with their bullying.

"What are you gonna do? Call Daddy and mommy soldier? Oh wait they haven't been home for 6 months, awww we are sowwy" they said faking tears.

"So what if they aren't home? Nobody said I can't break your faces?" I said crossing my arms, feeling the hurt of missing my parents.

"Bloody Mary wants to get physical ladies" Hazel said, she started shoving me. I shoved her back, landing a hot slap on her face and a kick on her chest. She started coughing up hard.

"What the fuck?" Zion her friend said, ad they all charged to me and started gang up on me. Trying to fight them off, I almost lost to them. Self defense, I muttered trying to console myself.

School day was done and I chose to walk home today, Armel left to to go to a party.

10 more minutes till I reach home, I said comforting myself. Wanting to bury myself under my blankets and listen to music.

"Oh bloody Mary!" A voice screamed. I knew it was Hazel, I ignored her and carried on to walk home. I heard rushed feet coming to me and I knew she ran to me.

"Why are you in a hurry bloody Mary? Huh?" She said holding me on stop. "Leave me alone Hazel" I said shaking her hand off, seeing that she's walking alone. I'm sure she won't do much.

"What the fuck is Morana anyway, huh Morana? Sounds like Douchana to me douche bag Morana"

Just then my body froze in place, I couldn't move for a second. Then looked up to her.

"What do you want bumless whore? Want to talk? Yeah come on. Why do you fuck old men mmh? So you could comfort yourself and get some fatherly love that you never got mmh? Or you want money to buy your Crack head mommy a fix? How many abortions have you done? 5? 6? What a prostitute you are Hazy" I said looking at her face that was streaming with tears. Shocked that I knew that information.

"Where the fuck did you get all that Morana? Where? I swear to God I'll kill you!" She screamed. "Kill me then whore" I said laughing. She charged at me with a pen she said on her hand. I ducked her two tried to stab my neck. Whilst laughing "such a bitch ass fatherless whore, baby killer" I said as I swung her around and grabbed her pen. Throwing in on the ground, kicking her on her chest multiple times and she started coughing blood. I charged with multiple kicks on her head till she lost consciousness and I placed her bag on her face and I skipped back home singing my favorite songs.

When I got home Rune was home, college boy. "Sup fucker" I said greeting him. "Fu.. why do you have blood all over you?" He asked coming closer to me. "Ask that proatitute Hazel, that's if she's answer you now." I said giggling. "Holy fuck Morana?" "Yes old man that's my name, forgotten?" I said smiling. "Where is she?" He asked. "Side road, ten minutes from here" I said. "E, listen to me. I need your help E, mom's coming back" my mind became fuzzy and unclear. "E our parents are coming back home, Little flower E come here" I looked at him with happy eyes, "Mom is coming!" I started jumping and went on to hug him. As I let go of him i saw blood. "B-blood" my head started spinning. "Calm down sis, calm down E" I started hearing him from afar. Then lights out.

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