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This chapter will be confusing. And there's Smut coming up which will also be confusing. The next chapter will clear up this chapter. ❤️❤️

No longer feeling confident I feel glued to the chair, I can't get up even of I wanted to. I'm scared to say the least, my whole body is frozen to one place.

"I said come here Eris!" Killian roars, my eyes water. I so want that confidence back now. Feeling a clicking sound i can feel him coming closer and closer, I want to look at him but my eyes are locked on the table.

"I'll just have to get you myself and don't blame me for the punishment that is coming" punishment? Still unable to say shit he throws me over his shoulder. Without wiggling or saying anything I just allow myself to be carried like a damn sack of potatoes.
"You can be a good pet when you want to huh?" My face reddens with embarrassment.

We walk into a big black room with blue lights, it's a normal bedroom but for some reason it's cold as fuck.

"I'm gonna put you on the bed, you will sit there. While I call Kian back to the room okay?"

Not even a nod, he just places me on the bed and I look on the floor. He then calls Kian to come back in. Who doesn't even waste 5 minutes. The both sit on separate couches facing the bed.

"Take off your clothes, slowly" Killian Says, whilst Kian is starring daggers at me.

Doing as told I start to unbutton the dress, with no bra underneath I'm left with a fucken thong.

"She's a sneaky freak who doesn't wear bras, go on your knees" I dropped in my knees, still facing the floor. Kian grunts, I flinched a bit. Is he a wolf or something?

"You decided to be a bitch today, then switched off to being a pet. In a way that satisfies Kian, do you know what that means? It means that you're officially ours and we will mark you as such"

Killian stands up and brushes my head, making me feel calm. Like a load has been lifted off me, it soothes me I could feel myself start to sleep.

"Nah nah nah, not yet" he says taking off his hand. "Look at me" I did "good girl, you answer back when spoken to"

"What is your name?"
"Why are you naked?"
"I stripped"
"Lied and disobeyed"
He hummed in response, satisfied with my answers.

"Take off your panties, lie on the bed on your back and spread your legs"

Starting to feel the cold finally kicking in, my body shivers. Taking off my panties with my shaking hands, I got on the bed and lied as I was told to.

Killian walks over and stares at me.

"Didn't know that Virgin cunts look this pretty, for keeping yourself for us you will be rewarded"

My insides start to warm up and tingle in the mention of rewards.

He pulled out his belt, pulled me to him with my legs releases a yelp which made him chuckle.

"Punishment first, rewards later"

He rolled a bit of the around his hand, and at that time I knew I was done for.
Awaiting him to smack me with the belt I tightly closed my eyes anxious.

"Open your eyes" which I slowly did and the first smack was heard with a 'twat'! I jumped and screamed. He was hitting me on my inner thighs

"Scream for me baby" smack! Smack! Smack! Screams getting louder, sobbing like it's my parents funeral again.

I turned my head to face Kian who was focused on us, as I cried and screamed. His view became blurry as the tears became more and more.

After 20 smacks and louder screams he got done, it was supposed to be 15 but I tried to fight him off of run off.

My inner thighs were screaming in pain, purple and blue. The coldness of the room had long disappeared and I was extra hot.

"You did good Amore mio, come on come to Daddy" stretching my hands to him he picked me up and cuddled me. Wiping off my tears and rubbing my back.

"You should listen Eris okay? All the time" I couldn't answer, my thighs were painful and I could only focus on that.

After 20 minutes of calming me down he placed me on the bed again, "Reward time baby." He said taking off his jacket.

Kneeling on the end of the bed, he pulls me again. With my pussy straight on the bed. "You're wet, you loved the pain didn't you" he said kissing my pussy. I didn't notice that I was wet, come to think of it i was turned on.

He started moving me tongue up and down my pussy cleaning up the mess. Placing his two fingers inside me, slowly. Sucking off my clit like it's the last thing he'll ever suck again. "You taste like rum baby, addicting."

He started thrusting in and out, soft moans leaving my mouth. His mouth working wonders on my clit, his thrusting became faster as my pussy clenched around his fingers. "Cum for Daddy" not needing to be told again, I released with a moan.

After that he bathed me and placed me in bed, rubbing a balm on my inner thighs.

"You made us Punish you Ms Rodrigo, you know that right. I thought you were a boss bitch Ms Rodrigo" something snapped inside me, I had been ongoing praying it does.

"I'm a boss bitch what the fuck fo you think you I am? Your kid? Fuck off why am I even naked? Around you moreover?" He looked at me confused, as I was too.

"What the fuck did you do? Why are my thighs purple you bastard?" I was beginning to yell.

"Little girl don't you dare raise your voice at me clear?" He says raising his.
"Who's a little girl? Fuck off Killian. You creepy men." I said scanning the room and I saw my dress on the floor. Quickly going for it as I ignored the pain on my thighs. I grabbed it and wore it, buttoning as much as I can. I grab my heels.

"Don't ever come near me until I tell you to do so, clear?" I said aisan anger. As they looked more confused as ever, trying to navigate the huge house I finally find the dining area with my purse and stuff.

Walking outside I found the driver and the car, which I climbed on quickly and told him to leave.

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