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2 days since I hadn't been to work, it's very frustrating because I need to be at work. I nerd my legacy around me, not huge ass men with black suites. As frustrating as it is it's also infuriating how easy going I have been, I don't stand up for myself much. Knowing me I would have long left this house, I need to wear my big girl panties. I need to own up myself again.

Good enough for work and to my demise I'll have to spend much more hours today

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Good enough for work and to my demise I'll have to spend much more hours today.

Going over to the kitchen, obviously there's food all over the table and it's making me nauseous.

"Good morning, I'm going to work. Bye" I said grabbing an apple. "You're not" killain grumbled, almost as if I shouldn't be hearing him.

"Look I don't care who you are or who you think you are but I'm going to work. Deal with it, I'm not your personal toy you can control. I'm not a stupid fuck, I studied to get to where I am and i will not let 2 guys I only know for a month change all that for me. Got it? Yeah I don't care anyway" I said walking.

"I guess you want your companies to bomb then" Killain said, freezing me to place. "You seriously think that bombing my legacy will make me like you and enjoy staying here and being a fat cat? Let me tell you something" I said walking over to him. "I dare you to bomb that building, you'll see something you've never seen before. Fuck I double D dare you man, set it ablaze. That won't make me want you or submit to you, it will make me loath you. When I do, there's no guessing what I'll do to you. Pin my words to your head" I walked off again.

Finally getting out and Red was already outside, we've gotten closer the last few days. He's a great guy. "Good morning E, I don't know why you're disobeying the guys but I hope you have a plan" he said closing my door for me. "Drive me to my place whilst I think of a plan okay? Oh is this the only house they have?" I asked.

"No actually they will go to check on their mothers family house, it's an heirloom. Kind of important, no body stays there so they check on it every week. Why?" He said, a smile formed on my lips. "They once mentioned something about many properties, I just wanted to know. Can you send me the location of the house, I'll meet them there. I want to drive myself, I miss driving" I lied. I actually enjoyed being driven around. "So you won't go to work? Good decision" only if you knew.

After dropping me at my house I just took my car and drove to my company. After parking the car, I locked it and admired the sign like I always do.

Only for it to explode, the explosion air pushed me down as I slightly flew back on my ass. The rush and terror in me forced me to stand back up and look at the building.

All in shambles, glasses everywhere. Cries and screams fill the air, people running towards and away from the building. Sirens approaching, all I could do was stare. Tears trailing down my face, I can't move. I can't talk and i can't breath. A part of me knew they weren't joking but I gave into my stubborn head. Only for my fathers work to all go down in a second. Because of men I met and somehow brainwashed me.

I'm sure my dad is indeed disappointed in me, how I allowed myself to be a pushover and his work to burn down.

Feeling my body being shaken vigorously I started coming back to the real world. There stood my brothers, in tears as I also was.

They didn't talk, they just hugged me tightly. Not being able to hold back anymore I screamed in tears, I cried out in their arms. Hoping to feel better but instead I got angrier. I knew who did this and I knew a way to make them pay. Oh they will indeed pay.

Finally pushing away from them, I looked into their eyes. "I need your help" is all I said and they understood the assignment. Going over to a warehouse we use for testing weapons Armel sells, we picked up 30 bombs. I knew what had to be done and I would do it.

"So what now?" Rune asked, all of us sad, angry and just out of it.

"Now I hack over their systems to check the guards on three properties. We have 15 drones, each with two bombs. Distributing around the properties. I don't care who dies or who doesn't. Many of my employees almost died and my securities died. They were lucky it was two hours before they got in. 15 men and women died today and they will be avenged. My legacy down to the drains, hell will befall them I swear." I said grasping a controller I had I my had. "E?" Armel said, I tilted my head to look at him. "Morana"

After distributing the drones, plotting the bombs on the roofs, windows and sides of both their houses and the warehouse. Bless my creation that will bomb tonight, freezing all their accounts and moved money to an account that turned ghost in seconds. That being untraceable and given that they have systems that are like kindergarten work for me. It was easy.

Doing my count down with my brothers sleeping, they can't stop me even if they wanted to.

3, 2, 1 boom!!!! I watched from cameras of the drones. Everything burning like my building was, not even a wall standing. Everything down, our bombs are meant to destroy not just bomb. One can do damage of five, very impressive of us. Now imagine the 10 bombs in each yard. All their cars, guns and everything In those houses. Gone. I could have checked for more of their properties but it's just the beginning.

I know for a fact they were out somewhere, not on the houses. By now they would have been alerted and I left zero traces, I'm on my bed. On my back, about to sleep.

Standing up to my medication cabinet I took out my meds and drank them. Noting that I hadn't had them in 3 days, because those fools didn't let me go.

You don't mess with my family.

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