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Yesterday was amazing, perfect, more than I could've ever imagined. I've never met a girl that matched my stamina, it was her first time and she handled 4 orgasms. She's perfect for us, as time goes she might handle 15 or 20. I might be a little too ambitious but who wouldn't?

Having the perfect girl you never imagined yourself with.

1. Perfect with my brother
2. Boss bitch
3. Takes control when needed
4. Gives us control
5. Intellectual
6. Funny
7. Can protect herself
8. Gorgeous
9. Sexy
10. Strong

What more could I ever ask for?

She's the best thing I've ever seen and by that I mean she'll never get along with Mother.

Mother likes strong women but dependent off their men, women that are classy and give off 'Victorian era', women she can manipulate and all that.

It's only 2 more weeks till the housewarming and engagement shit. 3 days till she leaves for Russia, a week before Mkther gets here. It's a lot really.

Tomorrow we're seeing the house, that's already paid for. I trust her judgment.

"Oh come on baby, we've been arguing about this for 2 minutes. Get the fuck up, Jesus it's noon now. You have to prepare dinner for your friend, or should i get the chef"

"Fuck no" she finally stood up from bed, wincing in pain.

"Still sore?" I know she is but I wanted to know how much. I gave her a warm salted bath last night and this morning.

"A little bit but better, thanks to your baths. I'm sure Kian is freaking out" her throat was so painful when she first woke up, Kian did a number of her last night. Not as bad as he usually goes anyway, which makes me more certain that she's here to stay and can handle us well.

She has to stay, I love her.

"He is, get ready soon okay? We'll be in the kitchen. Andy is freaking out and you have to answer as to why your room is locked. You have 1 count and I can't wait for it to be 3" I winked at her and left.

"When is Cracker coming down, she owes me information about this girl" I've never seen him panic this much.

"If she says you're the perfect match for this girl then you are, I trust her. Breath, you'll smell of fucken sweat if you continue like this" I scoffed at him as he just stared at me like I said nothing.

Kian has been talkative way more now and today he was quiet, E couldn't talk well this morning because of her throat. He didn't take it well, given that it was another girl he would've fucked are again and even harder. She's different.

After 20 minutes of hearing Anderson panic like a teenager with a crush E finally came down, i could hear her steps as she came down the stairs.

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