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Seeing her get fisted in the stomach by Xavier burnt my entire soul. I wished I could just break the cage and kill him with my bare hands.

After all she did win, she beat the mother fucker in him. He was mad because she killed his sister, which is reasonable but not on what  is mine. She is mine and the fact that she had to endure a few punches because of a past thing broke me.

After the match she laid herself on her brothers, it was like she was totally out of it. More like she had passed out or something. I hated seeing her like that but there isn't much I could ever do.

We've been waiting for her to wake up for over 5 hours, she bad to meet with the Littles today in 3 hours. She had been asleep, changing hours in staying with her in the room.

It was my hour now and I had my hand in hers, kept on kissing her forehead. Looking at her perfect facial features, nothing to excuse. A perfect face, pretty plump lips I could kiss for days.

Maybe I should.

I've always been weird this one won't be the worst.

I laid my lips on hers, gently kissing her. Slowly and reassuringly, telling myself that she will be okay. She had to be, ad long as she's breathing. She would be fine.

I couldn't detach my lips from hers, she responds on the kiss.

To day I was shocked and froze would be an understatement. I still couldn't let go, her hands cupped my face. Snaking my hands around her back as I sat her upright and sat next to her.

She let go of my lips, I felt vacant. Like I was missing something.

"Don't cry Kian, please"  she wiped a tear on my face I didn't feel going down my face.
"I'm okay see? You woke me up. Thank you" she kissed both my cheeks.

"Thank you for making me human again, I'll forever be thankful" I said kissing her hands.
"I got you the engagement ring" I took out the box, gripping on it for dear life. Hoping that she will like it.

I opened it, the diamonds got in contact with the sun and shimmered around the room.

She looked at it, no expression or something.

She hates it.

"I'll uhm change it if y-you don't like it" I said scratching the back of my head.

"I love it Ki, it feels as if this whole thing is real" she said smiling and putting the ring on her finger. It was perfect. For me it wasn't fake, it was my heart.

"It fits perfectly thank you" she kissed my cheek again

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"It fits perfectly thank you" she kissed my cheek again.

"Pleasure is all mine Angel"
"I should think of a nickname for you, Killian would be so damn jealous" she said laughing lightly. My heart skipped a  bit.

"Yeah?" I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

"Osito" she says running her thumb on my jaw.
"I'm not a little bear, explain" I corked my brow
"Well you're a cuddly bear and you're just so cute. Equating to little bear" she says smiling like a little girl. Making her extra extra cute, if that when happens.

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