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Another night another damn noise, this time around it's louder. There are more grunts and smashing, what's more disturbing is that no one seems to be doing anything about.

Maybe they can't hear it or some  shit.

Given that this is a new house I haven't navigated it well. But I know for sure that Killian is in a room next to mine then Kian's is around the corner.

Where the room is coming from.
Given that I assaulted him, he shouldn't be good to see me but whatever.

Walking into a closet I found full when I got back yesterday, I pulled a T-shirt since I slept naked today. It's hot as fuck.

Going on, tiptoing and only trusting my body as defense and attack.

Putting my ear on the closed door, everything is being smashed.

Turning the door, knob. It's unlocked, sowly opening it. The smashing and grunting doesn't stop, what I'm he is having sex E?  But why smash shit?

Okay I'm having second thoughts but the door is opened.  Fully opening the door I spot a broken bed, glasses everywhere, every little and big shit crashed. Looks like a rage room here or something.

Finally making it inside the room, I can't see Kian. The door behind me closes.

This is a part where you turn around and see what closed the door E. Just like on the movies babe.

Against my instincts I fully walk inside the room, whoever or whatever closed the room. Will have to fight me inside the room and not a surprise attack on a small space.

Finally standing in the middle of the room I turn around almost screaming, almost.

Kian standing behind the door, top less and a dirty wet black sweatpants. Might I add that his whole body is wet, his hair is wet. He's sexier this way.

He's looking at me, with eyes screaming destruction. I don't wanna beat you up again fam. Morana is asleep now.

His gaze could kill a thousand men, my new instincts kneel down.

That's how my brothers used to tame Morana, by showing her that they mean no harm.

I kneeled down, with my hands laid on my thighs. Looking down, I could close my eyes you know if I die I don't see him do it, he's too hot.

Hearing him coming towards me, I started breathing heavily. Hehe I'm scared now, I should've just stayed in my room.

Waiting for him to do something, anything.

He brushes my hair, in a soothing way. Closing eyes enjoying the touch, that ended. His other hand wraps around my neck, he pulls me up with my neck.

He's strong the fuck.

Making me look at him, his eyes are blank. But dangerous.

Wouldn't hurt to touch him, right?

My hand makes its way to his abs, which are perfectly toned. 8 pack fully there, what if I would just lick it you know.

Responding to my touch he let's out a low grunt, easing his grasp around my neck.

Yay it's working!!

My second hand makes its way on his back, he let's go completely. Pulling him in into a hug. I'll die because I love affection someday.

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