Eris (18+ chapter)

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"Take me"

Kian pulled me with my hair making me fall on his lap. He stood up, as I did too. His grip on my hair and he tugged me back, I whimpered a little. Killians lips made it to my neck as Kian was just looking at me. He began kissing me on the other side of my face, chin, cheeks. Nibbling with my ear, biting it a little bit.

"Please, please" I was breathing heavily and moaning. I was a wet mess, by now I could also smell my arousal.

"Please what baby?" Killians voice could make me reveal all the secrets I know about anyone.

Kian tugged my hair again making me scream a little, his response to that was a groan. I knew he wanted me to answer Killian.

"Please touch me" Killian chuckled on my neck with his warm breath embracing my whole body with vibrations.

Killian snaked his hand inside my sweat pants, to my thong. He started rubbing against my thong. Directly on my clit. I needed more, I was way up in my right now.

"You're soaking the thong baby" I just nodded.

It was like I was flash, I took off my clothes and threw them on the bed. My underwear set was in sight, I just wanted to be fucked okay.

I heard hisses, i knew I was sexy but that wasn't the point.

Kian latched his hand around my throat, this time tighter. I moaned on that, somehow. Killian circled me and slapped my ass hard, making me scream.

"You'll be screaming like that the whole damn day baby" with that Kian devoured my lips, which I willingly gave him. I felt Killian take off my panties. About damn time boy

His hand made it to my clit making me moan on Kians mouth. He began circling it like a pro, with his mouth on my neck.

I was overwhelmed with pleasure, my body knew that as well. It didn't take me much to reach my second orgasm, I came in rushing as I had my tongue down Kians throat.

"Good girl" Kian said after detaching from my lips. My legs wobbled as Kian lifted me and threw me on the bed.

"Safe word?"
"What do you want?"
"You, the both of you"
"I need you"
"Do you trust us?"
"You haven't given me reason not to"

The questions came at the wrong possible time and I answered so damn quick I almost fumbled on my words.

Kian walked in a room I assume is his bathroom.

Killian came on top of me caging me. "You're gorgeous baby" he had his mouth on my tities, pinching my nipple with his other hand. Bitting, sucking, pinching, massaging was all I got and almost gave me my third orgasm.

"Patience darling"

Kian came back with toys on his hand, I could see a butt button and hand cuffs. I internally partied. At the same time I got nervous.

Killian shifted off me. Standing right next to Kian.

"Kian brought toys baby, thank him" I corked my brows and before I could protest I knew what would earn me punishments. My mind did tell me that today isn't the day for punishments.

"Gracias Papi" a change of language always turns me on, why not do it.

"Even better" Kian spoke again, I missed his giant voice. I knew he liked me when I spoke other languages. His cock even pulses.

"Arms over your head" I obeyed, Killian kissed my hands before cuffing me. Not too hard or weak, just fine.

Killian took two nipple clippers Kian and clipped my nipples. I screamed so hard my neck felt different after.

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