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I arrived in Russia yesterday, it's cold as shit on a plate.

The guys left me a collection 130 missed calls and 50 texts. Which is minimum to
What I expected, at least 200 or 300. But it's okay.

Killian did a number on Anderson as a result his jaw needed to be fixed, nothing major though. You can't punch a person for saying what you don't like, it's not rocket science it's logic.

Which proves that Anderson was indeed speaking the truth, they are scared of their mother in a sense. Anderson is the rebel child in all of this.

Which brings me to a conclusion that their mother being here will not be fun, especially now that she'll be here for 2 weeks. It's gonna be hell, I'm willing to burn though. At the same time, I'm not willing to indulge myself in things I shouldn't because I like them and they treat and fuck me good

I'm on my way to my first meeting with Ana, it's gonna take a short time that I'm sure of. She doesn't Indulge in useless conversations and gets things done right there and then.

"Go down!" Anderson yells as a bullet catches the car. Looking back there's a black SUV at the back and another one on our right.

"This should be fun" I said taking out my guns ready to shoot.

"You guys take the back Andy and I will get the right" my brothers obey.

With bullets raining from both sides I manage to get the driver, their car spirals losing control. Anderson takes the advantage and shoots the wheels. Taking it out.

Looking back the boys were struggling a bit. The car kept swerving around to avoid bullets.

"Here take this" I gave Armel a grenade.
He takes it and throws it, it landed on top of the car. Anderson increases the speed of the car

"I thought this would be fun. It wasn't" I said throwing myself back on the seat.
"Amateurs" Anderson muttered.

"You never said anything how it went with Enora, fill me in" I smiled at him.
"Wait, which Enora? Your Enora? Jesus E you're a hypocrite. You gave her to a guy you bearly knew instead of me" Armel whined.

I know he can't handle a little, he's too childish and too much of a fuck boy. I'm not saying Addy is better but he wasn't the one.

"Brother you and I know you just wanted to fuck her. You can't handle a little if you still host parties at my house and not at yours. You're a certified fuck boy and a heart breaker with a damn badge. Anderson has his fair share, but you brother? She's a little you're not a Daddy"

"Whatever" I'm always right aren't I?

"Anyway we've been doing okay, I haven't met her little side yet but I'm a patient man. We've been talking about moving together so I can be her caregiver fully"
"Move In?" Armel shouted from the back.

"See? You're just a kid. She needs to stay with him in order to be taken care off dummy. Anyway I wanted you to move in with us okay? You keep me sane"
"Consider it done, but after mom leaves. I don't want her all over Enora. She's a heartless bitch" he said gripping on the steering with knuckles turning white

"What's the deal with your mom anyway?" I do want to know now because I'm already hating on her for no damn reason.

"You're a nerd right? Check out footages from 6 years back at the house you bombed. Bless your soul for that, I was haunting my soul. Do that for me and keep quiet, do what is right when the time comes"

"So those men you stay with killed my fathers legacy and said shit? I know you made them pay but stay with them too? I'm lost for words, how could you. Now we're risking our lives for them? At what cost? Good dick?" Rune starts talking after being quiet the entire time.

"Yes we are" that's all I had to say as we reached the gates of their massive villa.

"u nas naznachena vstrecha, Eris"(we have an appointment, Eris)

"Da" (yes)
The guards open the gate and we drove in. Taking in the beautiful majestic villa in front of me. It's always been beautiful.

We finally got inside and sent to the office.

"Aunt Ana" I smiled getting in and diving for a hug, it's been a while.

"My gorgeous nerd trouble maker, the handsome reserved king and the handsome troublesome party boy. Well you're all nerds anyway" she says as well all laugh hugging us all except Anderson but settled for an hand shake.

"What can I do for you, for all I know you have problems in my country and I know this side of business isn't your territory. Especially the Italian-Arabic mafia."

"I'm engaged to get mafia, to get work done you have to do it yourself and not send hot headed men. I need to solve this as soon as possible Ana. I don't tolerate disrespect as much"

"Some how I knew you'd fall on theft side of the tracks. Seeing how you were so engrossed as to how I did business when you were growing up. I thought Armel would be first though. Seems like you took the lead" she said fixing drinks for all of us.

"You do know that this is business and you'll owe me. Family or not"
"Say the word" she smiled.

"Not yet, you have me approval. Use it wisely, your mom would scold you for this"
"I know" i replied with a sad smile.

Ana was in the army with both my parents. They became friends and when we were born she was our godmother. We'd visit Russia every year, she's the only friend my parents had. After their deaths she took it hard but survived anyway.

After she retired she had already joined the mafia through her father. Eventually he died and left it to her. Now she's the kingpin of Russia, most amazing women that loves macaroons.

After small talks we had to go, our job here was done and we had to go back.

"Killian just called, they were ambushed today bu the Russians" I knew it bitch
"Give them the go ahead. I don't give a fuck what they do with it, my fun has ended now"

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