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I've been in the room up since 3:30 am, hearing a banging noise on one rooms. I'm not one to act like a hero and go check out, I know for one I'm with a house filled with humongous Guards and 2 large men. They can act hero I won't.

Given that it's now 5 am, the noise has died down a bit and Godforbid who stole my sleep. I have work in 3 hours, now on to operation get out of this huge ass mansion.
After taking a shower, I wore the dress I had yesterday. Flashbacks of last night coming in, damn.

I would never say I like them or anything but I enjoy the power they hold. I enjoy how they dress, talk, and handle themselves. With Killian being a yapping machine and Kian talking with his action. I love powerful people, they attract me. I'm sure I sound like a gold digger, too bad I got my own gold. I swear if I didn't I would be one.

Holding my shoes on my hand like a fucken one night stand, I smell like blueberries. I hate this, too sweet for me.

Walking out the door I meet Nick or Rick the driver, I really don't feel like remembering things that don't matter.

"Madam, the Alphas asked you to join them for breakfast"
"The who? My name is E, keep it like that. And who are you again Nick or Rick? Can I just call you Red?" I said shrugging.
"Why Red? The Alphas would kill me" he said tensing, "Your eye colour, love it. Lead the way" I said as he leads the way. The house is indeed beautiful. Dark yet bright in a sense.

Reaching the kitchen that looks like a condo kitchen, homey and not huge. I'd love to cook in a kitchen like this, black and gold themed. You'd swear vampires live here, less colour and it's amazing.

Finding them in black suites, all kinds of food decked on the table. I immediately felt like throwing up, who eats this much fucken food.

"Goodmorning, oh I don't want to be called madam. I'm E or Ms Rodrigo, right Red? Your Alphas approve of you calling me by name. Should I hear anyone calling me Madam lucifer will beg God for a place in heaven, clear?"

Waiting for them to object, no one does and Red leaves.

"Wrong side of the bed?" Killian asks, "There's no such, I'm never in a good mood and who eats in the morning. Fuck, I need to go before I throw up" I said slightly gagging. This much food was starting to get to me. Killian jumps and holds.

"You okay?" He asks, "just get me the fuck home and get the fuck off me" I said shaking myself off him.

Just then Killian holds me by my throat, squeezing it a bit not so I can lose my breath completely. "Address us well, you'll regret it Bella ragazza" my eyes wide open with shock. My core do fucken hot.

He let's go off me and goes back to his seat, "sit down and eat something" he demands. Surveying everything on the table I settle with water and an apple.

"I said eat something not snack something, Your Red  will come and take you to the mall or whatever. You need to buy clothes, toiletries, make up, shoes and all the shit you use." He said stuffing his mouth with a waffle glistening with sauce. I gagged again

"Stop looking at our food and eat something so you can go" he said.
"I have work, I need to go to my house and change then go to work" I said slowly trying not to throw up.

"Knew you'd say that, I have planted all over your company. Set a foot there, you'll see it all crumble infrong your eyes. Don't make this hard, we made a compromise" he said nonchalantly as if he didn't just spew bullshit. "And oh baby, I'd be careful what I say next if I were you. You have an outfit on your closet, change into that and go"

Leaving no room for arguments I stood up knowing very well they might actually do that. Given their way of saying things and doing them, I mean I could say that they are Mafias but they might just be big businessmen. Right?

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