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When she walked in behind E every bone in my body wanted to hold her close. Take away her fear and give her courage. When she finally came into view, I thought damn she's the only woman I want to look at when I wake up and go to sleep.

She's beautiful, delicate, fragile, sexy, well mannered and I'm ready to learn more and more of her.

"Cracker tells me you're a model baby girl" her pretty doe eyes glisten and she blushes. She's been red the entire evening and I loved it. I was the cause of it.

"W-who's that?" She stutters and giggles a bit. Let me record her and set as my ring tone.

"Eris baby girl" she smiles again, don't stop.

"Oh yeah, i-i love it a lot. I've been doing it for more than 2 years now, I have a clothing line for Littles which I haven't launched as of yet but its in the works. Maybe in a month or 2. What about you?"

Her voice had calmed down and didn't stutter, meaning she was getting comfortable around me. After all, I was her Daddy. In a sense.

"I do business baby girl" I don't know if she knew anything from our world so I couldn't risk it.

"Mmh meaning you're smart, people fear you, you boss people around, your employees tiptoe around you and there are girls in your office that want you" she said in a fun manner like it's all a joke, but it's all true.

"Very true, I can tell you're smart too"
"Mommy says that a lot to me, she's so nice I love her. I wish my mom was more like her, she'd make a perfect mom. Someday I'd wished that she would've been my official care giver" I could tell how much that broke her, that she had not been her little. But given different circumstances she would've been hers, if my brothers didn't have her.

"Well I'm here now, surrendering myself to you. Anything, anytime, anywhere don't hesitate okay? I'd like to take you up on an official date before we actually get into the serious business okay? Get to know you much better pretty face" I said as I parked the car infront of a huge mansion she lives in. It's massive.

"I have a question, when we officially start this how will it work? I trust E's judgement with you so I'm gonna give it a shot"

I smiled, like a stupid kid in a candy store.

"I prefer you staying with me, so I can tend to you full time. Take you to my work place, I'll accompany you to your gigs. If it were up to me you wouldn't work but I would never tell you to stop what you love. Basically will be stuck with me, not too much that I suffocate you though"

Her eyes glistened with tears, did I say shit?

"Wait baby girl don't cry, are you okay?" I cupped her pretty face with my hands and brought her to my lap. She rested her head on my chest, she fitted perfectly.

"No, I'm too clingy I won't let you go anywhere without me" her voice was not pained but relieved. So was I

"Perfect then, tomorrow 10 am I'll be here baby"
"Okay" you'll say Daddy soon, trust me.

"So you stay with E and the other scary guys all the time?" She was wiping her tears.

"Now yes, I do have my houses though. And the guys are in brothers, you'll tolerate them though. They don't talk too much, they are just as how you see them" I explained.

"It's okay, I'd love to stay with you and E.  It would be cool" she started getting excited.

"We'll see my love, we'll see"




"Okay so the house is just around the corner" I directed Killian as he drove us to the one driving this time around. I was sitting on Kians lap with my feet on Killians lap. Killian came up with this cross section sitting arrangement. Anderson was at the back.

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