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It's been a a week since I've seen the guys, I've seen them once and got hurt but I got a pull. A pull to Kian, specifically. He's screaming 'I can kill you just for looking at me', for me that's sexy. But I don't wanna die for dick, that's bullshit.

Today is the Tech event, everything had been nicely planned. Which I hope our sales increase 6 times the past six months, yes its a high goal but why not?

 Which I hope our sales increase 6 times the past six months, yes its a high goal but why not?

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Wanted to go simple, being a need around nerds for me doesn't require me to over dress. Also given the fact that my hair is a dramatic show on its own, going as low is half my bum length. With glitters on them, my make up also flawless and shimmery. So it's enough.

My curves perfectly executed, my titties looking good and now my purse with a knife, phone and cash. I'm good to go.

Going down stairs to find my brothers, Enora and Rune's wife Vanya. She's a cutie, they've been married for a year now.

Enora always wanting to show out with a pink shimmering dress with an open back and a long V-line. Rune and Armel in eggshell black Tux. Vanya in a white flowy dress with noodle straps, little tight as the top till half way through her belly.

"It's been said that since you're showcasing technology never seen, Mafia's might be there to close off deals with you. So I will be around you always, be safe sis" says Armel brushing my arm. "Let's get the show going man, we'll deal with whatever when we get to it okay?" I said kissing his cheek. Turning around to go out.

The drive not being long from my place we finally reach the venue. Never been one to arrive before the guests, I arrive with them.

Cameras flashing around as we get out the Limo, not doing our best in dodging journalists though.
"We'll answer inside" Rune says with his demanding voice as we proceed inside.

Just as I had imagined, beauty, class, Tech and nerds. Perfect!

Looking around I see familiar faces and it's good, loyal people.

The event has started and I have to introduce our products and answer questions.

"Good evening, welcome to the Rodrigo Legacy Tech showcase. It has been a while, but it's here now. Possibly annually, depends on your response really. As you all know this is my parents dream and long live to them" I said lifting my glass, so did they.

"Salute!" We all said. "Getting straight to business, I heard there will be new friends joining us. You know yourselves, please behave we don't have room for Ying yang. This is a room for nerds okay? Good. Introducing our new born baby, we call her Nicole. This cutie that is a size of my hand as you can see. She can access anything with Tech, Cars, phones, laptops, Tv's, anything with electricity. Now here's the difference in this one, as much you can control what is does or shows, you can control its movement. You don't need to control it with a device that shows, just a simple watch on your wrist. Connect to all those you want to control and tell it what to do"

The room filled with 'aaaw' and 'aahh'

"Then my personal favorite, Nicole's brother. Nick, this boy as you can see around the room FBI and CIA is here. For this bad boy. This one right here can navigate a person from back in 1800 till now, the persons ancestors and what they eat, like, dislike, hobbies, their movements since the past second till whenever you like. For example 6 years ago, what have I been doing. Tracing each and everything, which hospital you want to in the past 20 years and when your blood sample has been. Just like God, knows your every move. Fun part, the kid you don't know is yours or you've been hiding. Nick knows it"

The gasps fill the room then claps explode for a few seconds, cameras flashing.

"Lastly this one has been with me for a year now. This one is  ghost, this gorgeous car I love is a tech wiz on it's own. You don't need a nerd with you on this one, whatever a nerd can do this beauty can do it in a second. Surpasses 100 nerds in a speed of 2 minutes. I have  big guns with me, bad boys. Find me and make your bid, yeah? Now we have a press window for 10 minutes whilst the room mingles. Don't even try some nasty things, these babies bite. It only knows my DNA, my hand, my eyes. Touch and die"

The room gasps again, I like that.

With that I got off the podium, and went to our press corner. My brothers already there, along side Enora and Vanya. Our family.

"We have 10 minutes, make it count" Rune says. The questions start and nothing bad goes off, just questions and we were done. Now off to bids.

Walking around the room people bidding for my toys, even the department. The highest bid I've gotten is 10 million, I'm greedy I want more.

Going around with Armel till a familiar pair of green eyes pierces my soul, taken aback but I don't react. Instead, they come to me.

"Ms Rodrigo, how are you?" Killian says with a smug. "I'm fine, here to bid?" I say as professional as I can be. "Yes actually, I'm bidding for Nick and Ghost. 50 million each" I almost fainted, that's a lot of money. "Mmh okay, Can i your name?" I ask. "Killian, just Killian" my brother notes him. Down, "Thank you we have a full room waiting for me" I pass by them trying catch my breath.

"Who were those?" "Some guys I know" he hums in response. "That's a lot of money bro" he says, "I know, trust me". After going around the room I finally note down the highest bidders.

"Can I get your attention nerds and everyone else. The night is coming to an end, an I announce the highest bidders. Nicole, has been bidded for 40 million Rands and sold, I do not announce the bidders for obvious reasons. They will show themselves. Nick bidded and sold for 50 million, Ghost sold and bidded for 1 billion" everyone claps.

"This isn't the end of me, see you again on Christmas. I love this, hit me up we talk business and don't be funny. The winners will get their packages from me, call me and tell me where to drop them. And oh, if you think you can pull those kidnapping things. It won't work, they won't work i have cars that not even God can see. Thank you have a great year"  say with a huge ass smile and I walk down.

All that being done and dusted time to go sleep, going off using the back door and off we went.

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