Ep 4: You're the Bomb Yo

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At the cold and desolate place of Sidewinder, Grif and Church were still stuck in the jail cell, with both eager to get out and away from the other.

Grif: Guys! I'm red too! I'm a Red! I don't even know this guy! C'mon, let me out!

Church: Thanks for the support Grif. Way to be a team player.

Grif: Hey, I gotta think about myself here.

Church: There's no 'I' in 'team' Grif

Grif: Yeah, there's no 'U' either. So I guess if I'm not on the team and you're not on the team, nobodies on the goddamn team! This team sucks!

Church: What I can't figure out is why the Reds are still here. Tex already wiped out all the Blues. Why wouldn't they just pull out?

Grif: As someone who's taken orders from Red command for the last three years, trust me, it's not that surprising.

Meanwhile at the Nexus point Simmons and Sarge were preparing for the teleportation to the group at Blood Gulch and they had tracked the bomb down.

Simmons: Okay, we traced the bomb activation signal to Sidewinder. How much time do we have left Sarge?

Donut: *through the radio* Everyone here is set to transport. 

The others could also be heard through his radio.

Tucker: I'm not going through that thing. I'm serious.

Steve: What's so bad about it? 

Tucker: That thing burns me up! And not in a good way!

Freya: Your just exaggerating Tucker, we can hear the others going through it fine.

Sarge: We need to get to Sidewinder as soon as possible. Did you set the teleporter to take them straight there?

Simmons: I walked Donut and Steve through it. He says he did everything right, but I figure they have a fifty-fifty chance of ending up in Sidewinder or in the middle of deep space.

Sarge: But what about us?

Simmons: I programmed ours myself, we're fine.

Sarge: I find the risks acceptable.

Donut: I never knew a Philip screwdriver was the X one. Do you think it's named after a guy named Philip? That guy named Philip must have a fucked-up shaped head!

Tucker: Yeah, screw this. I'm walking.

Steve: Same.

Sarge: A-All right then, saddle up! Don't worry Grif and Church! Here comes the calvary! YAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!

Sarge ran through the teleporter and came appeared through the one in the back of the room behind Caboose. 

Sarge: YAA- Oh?

Simmons: Uh, sir, The teleporter I programmed is over there.

Sarge: Oh well, Head up Evildoers! Here we come to save the- Aw, forget it, let's just go.

As that was happening, at Sidewinder Jail Grif was singing out of tune and badly from within the cell. 

Grif: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen... Nobody knows, but Jesus. ...

Church: Will you shut up?!

Grif: You just can't face the facts that I've adjusted to life on the inside! I'm hard now!

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