Ep 17: Defusing the situation

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Inside the Zanzibar Fortress the Blues were grouped up near the bomb who literally became sentient, somehow.

Tucker: You're trying to tell us that this bomb can talk.

Caboose: I'm not telling you that, he's telling you that.

Andy: Yeah, and I'm standing right here. You can talk to me.

Tucker: If you could talk this whole time, then why didn't you just... wait, why am I talking to a bomb? I'm not doing this.

Andy: What, am I not good enough to talk to? Who do you think you are, some kind of
"too good to talk to a bomb" type?

Freya: Yeah Tucker don't be rude, we only just him....Andy that is.

Church: And maybe it's a good idea not to piss off the explosive device.

Tex: I agree.

Freya: He wasn't talking about you Tex.

Church: Aye

Tex: Hey, why don't you both suck my-

Tucker: Did Gary say anything about the bomb being able to talk?

Church: Uh, just that this whole place is going to be destroyed by us, and that Andy here is probably the thing that does it.

Tucker: Oh. That's not good.

Andy: I don't think so. Bunch of shisnos if ya ask me. And no one did ask me which I find insulting!

Freya: Oh sorry, Andy...I hope we didn't offend you.

Andy: Are you just saying that cause you think I'm sensitive?! Now I am offended!

Church: Alright, alright, calm down Andy, calm down.

Andy: Don't tell me to calm down, I am calm!

Church: Caboose, calm this thing down before it has a meltdown.

Andy: Look at me! I'm calm! 

Caboose: Andy, everyone here is your friend. And no one wants to hurt you.

Andy: Yeah right.

Caboose: Come on Andy, think of a happy place. Now what makes you happy?

Andy: Being in the middle of a huge explosion!

Church: Less happy place Caboose, less happy place!

Caboose: Ah u... think calming thoughts, uh... let's count backwards from ten! Ten, nine, eight-

Tex/Tucker: NO!

Church/Freya: Duck!

Outside the Fortress The Reds were still working on the radio trying to get the directions for the distress signal. As Simmons was sat in the Warthog and Grif next to it and Steve still on the machine gun turret, keeping guard if O'Malley was around. 

Simmons: Okay. I'm ninety-five percent certain that the distress signal is coming from that way.

Sarge: Excellent work Simmons. Alright men... and Grif. Let's get ready to roll.

Steve: Wait, there's not enough room for everyone to sit in.

Simmons: Just sit on Grif's lap then.

Steve: No, I'm glad to be standing at the turret thanks. 

Grif: Firstly, no and secondly, Only ninety-five percent certain?

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