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5 minutes earlier, where Freya was held captured by O'Malley. Steve had arrived as he helped her up and gently pushed the fusion coils away.

Steve: So how did O'Malley get the drop on you?

Freya:...*sniffles*...He...he got...me...when....no I shouldn't

Steve: Shouldn't what?

Freya: It's nothing...truly nothing. Just bring me to Tucker and his sword and that's it.

But given her saddened tone, he knew it wasn't nothing.

Steve: What's wrong Freya?

Freya: It's nothing, just nothing.

Steve: If it's nothing, then why are you backing away from me?

Freya:....It's nothing! Just leave me alone!

Steve: Come on, I haven't done anything to hurt you. Just cause your a blue and I'm a red it doesn't mean we can't be friends. Freya, whatever it is that's the problem. Your free to talk about it with me, we made our pact you know.

She hesitated before she answered.

Freya: She....threatened and bullied me, cause I knew you. And ripped into me on who I was...but I was young at the time.

Steve: Who? You mean Tex? Why would she threaten you? Never mind bully, you don't mean anything to her.

Freya: But because I knew you once.

Then it came onto him....the amnesia. Disgust etched onto his face, as he clenched his fists. He figured that Tex threatened her to stay away in a way to protect him, even though he had already said he can protect himself when he recovers. Even if he went mental, no-one should suffer because of his condition.

Steve: Right....I'm gonna have couple chosen words when I speak to her.

He then looked back at her, feeling so sorry for her.

Steve: Hey, you don't have to be afraid of me. Cheer up Freya, whatever you are...you've more than earned your place in the Blues, and that's coming from a Red. You've helped to fight O'Malley, you healed Tucker, tried to defuse the nuke, helped Caboose move the bomb. So don't be afraid to open up, there are always people around who are willing to listen. And whatever it is Tex has to say, I'll be right there for you.

She slightly nodded, it might not have been much. But it was anything that would cheer her up.

Steve: But, is it true? You knew me?

Freya:....yes....I did....

Steve: How?

Freya:....I guess....I should show you.

Freya then went to take her helmet off. It was hard to do with her hands being cuffed. But she did, and as she did. Long blonde hair fell out, it was long enough to reach her elbows. Her eyes were a beautiful blue, she was drop dead beautiful. Though she had tear streams on her cheeks. She must have been crying an awful lot.

Steve: Wow...*chuckles* Now I can see why Tucker might be the way wi-.....*paused*I do know you.

(For anyone who wants to know, Freya is Girlie from the Charon private security forces)

(For anyone who wants to know, Freya is Girlie from the Charon private security forces)

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Red Vs Blue And The Corporal Season 3Where stories live. Discover now