Ep 5: Make your time

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At the snowy place of Sidewinder, Doc or O'Malley currently standing on an icy precipice standing over the valley looking down onto his enemies. 

O'Malley: Hahahahahahahahaha. You fools have fallen right in to my hands. Only now, do you realise the folly of your follies, hahaha. Prepare for an oblivion, for which there is no preparation! Muhuhahahhahahaha!

Simmons: O'Malley! The Reds and Blues are working together now! You can't hope to beat us.

O'Malley: You fool! My metallic friend is the only ally I need. Lopez, activate weather control routines.

Lopez: > Okay.<

Steve: Lopez come on man! We're friends!

Lopez: >I'm sorry Corporal Steve.<

Then all of a sudden, lightning shot out of Lopez, and he becomes surrounded in what look like spinning mystic runes.

Simmons: Are those runic symbols a sign of some ancient technology?

Doc: No, I used to draw them on my binder during study hall. I always wanted to use them for something. Aren't they cool?

O'Malley: Shut up!

Sarge: Oh, Samson's back hair. They found our secret weapon. I developed a weather control device, but I was missing one critical piece of technology to make it work.

Freya: Wait what?! How? *turns to Steve*

Steve: Um...It's very complicated.

O'Malley: Hahaha yes. And now that I've located those "D" batteries, the Universe will be mine! Hahahahaha!

Tucker: Are you serious? You couldn't find D batteries.

Sarge: Only at gas stations, and they're just so darn expensive there.

Church then arrived running up to everyone, still ticking.

Church: What's going on?

Sarge: You want the long version or the short? Basically you've got a fifty megaton bomb in your gut-

Simmons: Ten sir.

Sarge: And Lopez is about to kill us all.

Freya: How did you guys have the materials to build one?

Sarge: It's amazing Teal girl, with what you can do with a paper clip and some robot hardware.

Freya: None of that makes any sense.

Steve:...I'd just roll with it at this point Freya.

Tucker: Roll? You mean like rolling into be-

Steve & Freya: Shut up!

He did so, backing a step as Grif was running up behind Church.

Church: Yeah it's doesn't, what's the long version?

Tucker: That was the long version. The short version is "we're boned."

Simmons: Hey Grif, are you okay?

Steve: What the hell happened to you?

Grif: I've done hard time, guys. I'm not the man you used to know.

Simmons: Hard time? We were only separated for five hours.

Grif: Time moves slower on the inside, Simmons. It seemed like seven or eight hours to me.

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