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I stared at my reflection,tears threatened to fall. I looked horrible. My stomach bulged out ,especially the lower part.My arms were all flabby,my cheeks too puffy,my butt too big. I was hideous.
I sobbed ,still staring at myself to fine anything positive about it but all to no avail.
I was always the target of bullies. They called me all sort of names,cursed at me and made sure I felt worthless. I tried not to let their words get to me but it was really hard.
I sniffled, cleaning my tears with the sleeves of my cardigan. I went towards my drawer and brought a blade slashing my wrist with it. The pain eased my pain. It felt relaxing to stare at my bloody arm.

I walked into school the next day,face down not wanting to catch any of my bullies attention.
" Hey fatso!" I heard Hannah, one of my bullies shout from across the hall. I groaned internally, speed walking trying to get to class before she caught up with me but she was fast. She grabbed my shoulder and yanked my body so I was facing her.
She was extremely beautiful,she had a strawberry blonde hair, perfect body and grey colored eyes making her look ethereal. I was extremely jealous of her and she knew. She smirked as she stared at my face. " Oh fatso, your cheeks seems to be alot puffier than they were yesterday,seems like you've over eaten again".
I wasn't my fault that I binge eat.I just have eating disorder from the thousands diet that I have tried. I want to stop but I can't. I always go back for seconds.
Tears rolled down my face as I thought of the abuse I was going to go through today. " Awww, fatso is crying,what a pity" she mocked with fake sympathy.
I tried to walk away but was yanked back by my hair. Pain was evident on my face but I made no sound ."I wasn't done with you yet" she gritted through her teeth , slamming against a locker. I let out a low yelp as she kicked, slapped and punched her insecurity out of me. I felt dizzy,black dots taking over my vision.

I opened my eyes but immediately shut them. White walls were blinding. I observed my surroundings and putting two and two together,I knew I was in an hospital. Hannah and I were at the back of the school, people barely came there so how was I here? My thoughts were cut short when the door was pushed open, revealing the last person I wanted to see me like this.
"You're awake" He mumbled, staring at me. " How did you find me? " I questioned. He simply shrugged, avoiding my question.
" Why didn't you tell me?" He asked and I immediately knew what he was talking about.
" I didn't want to drag you into my mess" I replied.
" Your mess? You were physically and mentally abused for years Y/n and you didn't bother to tell me about it" he stated, sounding concerned.
I could only look down in shame. I hated being looked at with pity.
"I'm sorry. You are right,I should've told you but they are right. What is the point of fighting someone that is speaking the truth?" I wondered,tears already falling. I looked pretty pathetic.
" They are wrong and you know they are wrong. What is wrong with being a little chubby? You are healthy,smart and beautiful and that's all that matters" he comforted, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into a hug as I sobbed into his arms.
He always knew how to make me feel better and I loved him for that.

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