Mad bride✿( Park Jimin/ Jimin)

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     As the sun set over the horizon, the distant tintinnabulation of wind chimes filled the tranquil evening air, creating a serene atmosphere in the garden. Little Susurrus could be heard from the best ladies as they gushed over how pulchritudinous I looked. I thanked them, facing the mirror one last time. The day I had been waiting for was finally here. I was getting married to my first love. Every girl's wish to is to marry her first love and I guess I am one of those girls. Lucky me. I exhaled, picking up my bouquet, my friends hyping me up as I got ready to walk down the alter.
My face lit up when I saw my father walking towards. He had a huge smile on his face with tiny drop of tears running down. He looked at me and I nodded, walking with him down the aisle. From afar I could see my husband-to-be with a huge smile on his face. He looked handsome and staring at him made me remember when we met. It was a case of serendipity. He was volunteer in peaceful protest in which I also participated. His first words to me were that he couldn't help but admire my callipygian figure as i walked past him earlier. I was creeped out but he apologized and here we are.
     I stood Infront of my future husband, hand-in-hand. Big smiles on both our faces as the priest officiated the ceremony. We said our vows and sealed our promises with a kiss. Loud cheers erupted from the crowd as we waved.
    Limerence was my current status from now on. The ceremony ended a few hours ago after receiving gifts from family and friends but I was ready to receive my lagniappe. I sat on the king sized bed that stood in the center the huge room. Infront of me kneeled my husband and his girlfriend. Tears rolled down their face as they begged for mercy but they were going to receive none. Jimin and I broke up a year ago. Apparently, he fell out of love and found someone else. I wasted five whole years with him, almost fully sure we were going to get married. We did but not under the kind of circumstances you would expect, atleast not for us.
      A small smile grew on my face as I stared at the pathetic couple. They were female who was drenched in their own blood from head to toe, the limbs barely hanging on. My love was ephemeral but I didn't want to accept that and I won't. I signaled for the two men who quietly stayed at the corner of the room to pick them up. Fortunately enough,out honeymoon home was near a cliff,quite convenient. I watched as the held on to each other, falling to their doom.

     Tears rolled down my cheek and I could no longer see them. I loved Jimin alot and it's sempiternal. I didn't want it to change too. I'll lose myself if I lost the feelings.

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