Stylish ( Kim Taehyung/V)

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Why is everyone so in love with me?
Could be my lips or my energy?
I can count them up like one,two,three.
Everybody act so In love with me.

   Popping my hips to the beat,I skillfully applied my lip tint in one swoop, taking a good look at my self one last time. Slipping my legs into my heels,I smoothen my dress pants, humming a familiar tune.
    Almost literally skipping to the elevator,I slid in before it could close,a fellow staff in it. I greeted, smiling to be polite to which I got an energy matching response. I guess I wasn't the only one in a good mood today. My floor came into view in no time and I was off, scanning through doors to my designated workplace. Having found it,I pushed the door open,an air-freshened  room greeted me. It was fully furnished with what looked like expensive leather. The vanity was filled with make-up items. Next to the table was a huge wardrobe which showed varieties of clothes as it was left opened.
   While I was gawking at the luxury room,I took no notice of the person in the room with me until I turned and was startled by Kim Taehyung. My eyes grew as wide as a pudding cup as our eyes met but I composed myself,I had to get use to seeing him everyday from now on.
" Hello, Mr Kim. I'm y/n, your new stylist." I introduced, clearing my suddenly blocked throat.
"Let's get this over with." He responded bluntly, ignoring my greeting. I was a bit taken aback at his response that I did not realize that I just stood there with jaw slack.
" Are we doing this or not?" His snappy voice snapped me out of my trance as I hurried to his side and began working on his face. In no time I was done and he left without even saying thank you. He was the literal opposite from what I had seen online. He was probably in a bad mood or something or so I thought.
            For the next month,I was scolded harshly, snapped at,glared at and was left unappreciated. I was starting to regret taking this job. I woke with the worst headache ever but still manged to get ready and get to work. Walking to the elevator,I could feel stares of staffs boring holes into my back,it was probably the visible eye bags that resided under my eyes currently. Opening the door to my office,I flinched seeing Taehyung already sat, pressing his mobile. He looked up when the door opened, rolling his eyes when he saw it was me. He was probably expecting someone else but he should know I'm not in the mood for this attitude today. I hoped that he was quite today or so help me.
           Dropping my purse on a nearby stool,I waited for him to come sit at the vanity but it never happened.
" Mr Kim,I should really get started on your makeup." I spoke,stress laced in my voice.
" What's stopping you?" He wondered not even looking up from his phone.
" Mr Kim you have to be here not there." I responded.
" I want my make-up done here." He stated, pointing at where he sat. Is he serious right now? He wants me to move the vanity desk all the way to the other side of the room.
"What?" I asked,unsure.
" Did I stutter?" He replied. Slowly but surely,the anger that I had piled up slowly began to erupt and before I knew it,I made a huge mistake.
" Are you crazy? You want me to move the whole vanity all the way there to satisfy your stupid ego. Listen,you might be a celebrity but that doesn't give you the right to do what you please. You are rude, inconsiderate and total jerk face!!" I yelled at the top my lungs, standing Infront of his sitting form.
" Did you just yell at me?" He questioned, arching an eyebrow in confusion.
" Yes I did." I replied folding my arms. I was sick and tired of his behavior,it had to stop.
" Consider yourself jobless." Was the the last thing he said before exiting the room.
" I'll like to see you try!!" I yelled back as he walked away. My confidence was instantly broken down as what he said sinked in. He was going to report me to the management and I was going to lose my job. Immediately running after him, I stopped myself from falling when I got to the manger's office. The door was left ajar and I could clearly make out what they were saying.
" Y/n is one of the best staffs we've had in a while, I can't just fire her for talking." The manager reasoned.
" I told you she didn't talk,she yelled at ME, emphasis on 'me'." He responded.
" Listen Taehyung,maybe you should try being nice to her and lessen that ego of yours,it makes you looked dumb." The manager spoke, laughing at his words. I could see Teahyung's face turn red as he literally stomped out of the office. I stood there, folded arms and a proud smirk on my face. He attention was directed to me when he stepped out of the office,his glare deepening as he eyed me weirdly.
        World war III began from there and I am currently enjoying every single moment of it. I was the one always trying to get under Taehyung's skin now and he hated it but had not choice but to accept it, besides what he did to me was way worse. Our little war slowly turned to playful antics and soon we were extremely close,we even had a special handshake.

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