Troublemaker ( Jeon Jungkook/ JK)

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           Chaos was an understatement. Smoke wafted in through the open window, the loud wail of the neighbors children as their mother wearily trying to console her offsprings, individuals evacuating from their homes to seek shelter some safe, police sirens blaring from miles away and it was all my fault.
        You see, I was known as the "neighborhood notorious troublemaker" which is a big lie by the way. Everything I have ever done was just a joke,sure I have stolen,injured and almost murdered people due to my pranks but at the end, it's still harmless.... I guess.
       I was now surrounded with no where to run and it seems like the cops were not a fan of my current stunt.
   " Y/n, you are under arrest for arson. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law."
Oh crap,I was deep trouble now and it seems I wasn't getting out it this time.
           The screeching sound of the rusted cell gate gave me an instant migraine. Disgusted looks from officers were thrown at me whenever they walk past. I was surprisingly calm and it seemed to annoy a particular cop.
  " This is the fifth time this week Y/n and it's just it's the fifth day of the week. Have you no common sense?!?!" He whisper yelled when it was just us two left.
" Relax, it's not like I'm going to get hanged or anything and you're going to bail me out anyway,like you always do." I responded smiling but it seemed he wasn't for it this time.
" Not this time Y/n. I will not bail out of this cell until you learn your lesson." He retorted strictly. I knew he was joking,he wouldn't,right?
" You're joking?" I wondered while he just rolled his eyes at me and returned back to his post. He can't do this to me, I'm his wife and it was not like I intentionally set the apartment on fire,it was an honest mistake but explaining to them is like talking to a brick wall,they(he) never believe me.
    Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of what could happen if I don't get bailed out today. Jungkook's eyes locked with mine and I could see him visibly panicking but stood still. My tears turned into sobs and I found it hard to breathe. Wheezing,I slid down the cold cemented wall of the cell when I lost balance. From a distance I could see Jungkook running towards the cell as I slowly lost consciousness.
         A groan escaped from my lips as the white walls blinding my sight for a mere second.
" Careful." A calm voice spoke, instantly soothing my insides. I was met with Jungkook's worried face as he looked at my state. My panic attacks usually vary and it seemed it was very bad this time.
" I was so worried." I could tell.
" I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to set the apartment on fire. It wasn't my fault this time,I swear." I spoke quickly, trying to explain myself.
" I know, they found out it was a stray candle they caused the fire." He replied.
" So I'm free to go?" I questioned to which he nodded in response.
" I'm so sorry for everything Jungkook. I know I've been a responsibility more than I wife but I promise to change." I uttered sincerely.
" That's was what you said the last time I bailed you out." He chuckled.
" I'm serious this time." I whined.
" Well,I will be looking forward to that then." He pecked my cheeks, ruffling my hair while doing so.
  The was suddenly pushed open causing us to flinch.
"Y/n you are under arrest for theft. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law."
    Oh God.

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