Reticent and Enthralled✿( Jeon Jungkook/ JK)

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  Reticent;Inclined to be silent or uncommunicative; reserved.
     My eyes peered at the unaware boy,his focus trained on the lecturer, mine on him. He was quite perspicacious in this particular subject. I was in a state of limerence. I knew everything about him, from his name to allergies,former schools and the likes. It wasn't much but that were the only things I was able to gather. Don't blame me though, love made me like this.
    I was known as the silent girl or nerd. I barely spoke in school or at home because I didn't see a need to. That was until I meet Jeon Jungkook. I never noticed him,I  had never noticed anyone actually. Out encounter began when we both joined the debate club. It was just the two of us in the club and it gave us time to get to know each other.
  I began  having a liking to him after a while, but I kept it to myself. Keeping it to myself wasn't the best solution because the liking became worse. I started stalking him, regulating his daily rituals, taking notes of his likes and dislikes,his favorite shampoo, cologne. Everything,I wanted to know everything. Now, in my basement resided my first love, tied up.
    I strolled down the flight of stairs, a baseball in one hand,a plate of food in the other. He refused to eat so I had to force him. A smile found its way to my face, so wide that it hurts. When he noticed me his expression changed to something I couldn't quite read. I dropped the plate on the floor,he eyed it, looking away.
" Eat!" I shrieked, hitting the bat on his lap. A yelp was heard from him but he was stubborn so I continued to bash him with the bat,the cold basement floor covered with warm blood and a defunct body resting on it. I sat next to it, taking food into the spoon. He was more obedient than when I first got here and quiet too.
  Food dropped off the side of his face as he barely swallowed. The plate was now empty and I was satisfied. He laid next to me,his eyes blank but I knew he loved me. I pulled him into a warm hug not minding the blood smearing on my top.

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