Muffin Love✿(Kim seokjin/ Jin)

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I watched as y/n stuffed her face with muffins. She loved them,even more than herself. I asked her why one day and she replied with because they are warm and fluffy, just like you. I was a blushing mess. She was flirting with me jokingly but she isn't aware of my feelings. She sees me as a brother,a best friend,while I see as her the woman I love. She was perfect and deserved so much more than me but I can never seem to let her go. I was there when her first heartbreak occured,her high school graduation, her second heartbreak,her college graduation and a lot more. I was there,every single moment of her life and every single moment,I fall more in love with her.
She pointed her chopstick that was holding a muffin at me,for me to eat. I hate muffins but I eat it everytime,for her.

I just want her to love me back,maybe eating muffins will help?

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