Top spot✿ (Min Yoongi/Suga)

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I sat slumped on the wooden seat, staring at the wall clock repeatedly. I paid no attention as the teacher scolded the fee students that failed the test. They all grumbled ,annoyed at the fact the teacher announced their scores to the whole class. " Why can't you be like Y/n or Yoongi?" I snapped my neck towards the teacher at the mention of my name and somebody else's.
I sighed, looking out the window. I was in second place again while Yoongi gets to wallow in first place praise. He barely paid attention in class since he was always sleeping and somehow,he always comes out the top of our class. He barely even talked.
I snapped my pencil in half as I stared daggers at his sleeping frame. The bell ringing took my attention away from Yoongi. It was lunch and the students all ran to the cafeteria to fight over the limited amount juice.
It was just me, Yoongi and one other students left in the class at the end of the lunch rush. I shoved my notes and textbook in my bag, gathering the rest of my things before leaving the class.
I watched as he ordered his usual before leaving the cafeteria. I decided to follow, curious of his unusual activity. He was a loner so I wasn't surprised,it was just my curiosity at it's peak.
I followed silently as he headed down the hall. He walked fast so it was quite tiring to keep up with him.
" Why are you following me?" I flinched hard hearing him speak. I wasn't expecting that. He looked at me,his eyebrows raised in confusion.
" I wasn't following you,I was just passing by" I stated confidently.
He only shook his head before entering the Janitor's closet. I watched as he brought out a mop bucket,turn it upside down and sat on it.
" You eat here?" I wondered, confused.
" Yeah" he mumbled, digging into his food.
" I feel comfortable here" he mumbled. "Hmmm" I Hummed as a response.
It was quite for a while but I decided to break it.
" Heard you came out top in our class, congratulations " I said, sarcastically.
" So that's why you don't like me" he said, nodding at the newfound information.
" What?" I asked.
" I've seen you stare at me like an enemy and always wondered what I did to you but I seem to know why now" he replied. That is the most I've heard him say.
" You think I'm jealous?" I queried
" I never said that"
" But that's what you think"
" I am not jealous of you Yoongi" I said, clarifying.
" You can first for all I care. It just hurts to work so hard and come out as second. Not like you would understand" I blurted out.
" I'm sorry you feel that way. But to get to first place,you would have to fight me for it" He said, walking off.
" Seriously? Not even a comfort word or something?" I asked, offended. I thought he was going be nice and say kind words but boy,I was wrong.
He simply shrugged.
If it's a competition he wants then a competition he will get.

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