Mrs potato head✿ ( Min Yoongi/ Suga)

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Kids forever, kids forever
Baby soft skin turns into leather,

     I took heavy steps towards the office. The closer I get the more anxious I got. This was it. The moment I've been anticipating for years have finally come. I pushed the door  ajar, peaking in to see my doctor. She smiled, motioning for me to come in. I returned the gesture, settling down on the uncomfortable wooden seats.
" You seem nervous." The individual infront of me spoke.
"A little" I confessed, fiddling with my fingers.
" The theatre is ready, we should get going" she stated, pulling on her lab coat. I complied, following her to the room that'll change my life. I have thought long and hard over this and I was more that ready. Moreover,I was doing it for yoongi. I had to look pretty so he could show me. I had a feeling he was ashamed of me even after he denied.
" Put this on" a young nurse spoke,a small smile on her face. I took the hospital gown from her, thanking her before heading to the bathroom to change.
    I looked at my current face once more. Blemishes,pimples,black heads, wrinkles. It was awful. I had sharp features which I hated. My unibrows stood out, thick and busy. My brown eyes plain and common. My lips thin and chapped. I looked half dead. A knock on the door snapped me out my thoughts, it was time. I exhaled deeply, strolling out of the restroom.
   I was placed on a stretcher, anesthesia injected into the drip connected to my body and before I knew it,I was out.
     The white walls of the hospital room blinded my vision for brief seconds. My face felt number and stiff. The room was silent, only the beeping of machine could be heard. I was hard to move my head so I laid still, waiting for someone to walk in. As if on cue,the door flew open and then light footsteps were heard.
" You're awake" The doctor started, checking my vitals.
"If you are ready,we can take the bandage off" she continued, looking at me for consent. I raised a thumb up, eager to see my new face. I was happy to be able to look pretty that I forgot about the unreal description I gave to the doctor. I sat up as my face was being unbandaged,a mirror on my lap. After the last layer was peeled off,the sight of myself was terrifying. I looked so fake rather than pretty. I couldn't complain,this was what I wanted.           Describing it sounds so much better than it being done. I was more uglier now. I looked at the doctor with teary eyes, all I got in return was a pitiful look. She was only doing her job and now I'm stuck like this forever. And then there's Yoongi. He paid for this surgery so that I could satisfy my insecurity. How will I be able to face him?

Don't be dramatic,
It's only some plastic,
No one will love you if you're unattractive
Oh, Mrs potato head tell me,
Is it true that pain is beauty?
Does a new face come with a warranty?

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