Stalker ( Min Yoongi/ Suga)

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    The continuous banging on the pane of the window was enough to keep me running. The banging seized for a few seconds and then resumed. I would have called the police but my phone was nowhere to be found. The mystery man in all black was quite persistent. I could almost hear the glass crack, I shouldn't have bought those cheap glasses.
   Finally reaching my room,I slammed it shut, closing it with every possible lock it had, alongside the windows. Sliding down against the door,a shaky breath left my lips as my body was still shaken up at my current situation.
   A week ago, a random number chatted me up, asking how my day was. I didn't reply, thinking it was a spam or something but the messages continued. Everything minute of the day I would receive messages from said person,each message more threatening than the other and I just brushed it off, which was obviously a huge mistake.
       I knew I wouldn't be safe in this room forever,I had to leave, quickly. Creaking the wooden door ajar,I tiptoed to the attic door, careful not to make a sound. Successfully sliding into attic,my next move was to jump out of the window. I had no other choice,it was my only way to safety.
   I pushed the window open,a gush of harsh wind almost blew me off my feet. The  window to the ground was quite a far distance but I was ready to risk it. Putting my feet at the sill,I jumped, bracing myself for impact. I landed unto something that wasn't the ground. Slowly opening my eyes,I was met with a man,an handsome one infact but my situation didn't let me acknowledge that yet. Jumping out of the arms of the stranger, eyeing him suspiciously.
" Who are you?" I wondered, keeping my guard up.
" I'm Yoongi." He responded, putting out his hand. I ignored it and started walking away,the mystery man was probably here somewhere.
" Where are you going?" He asked, trying to keep up with me.
" I need to get away from here." I responded, picking up the pace.
" Do you need help?" He asked, causing me to turn and face him. Beside him was a vehicle which I didn't notice.
"Don't worry." I denied politely, continuing on my trek.
" I insist."
" Fine." I reluctantly agreed. I didn't have any means of leaving there anyways. Plopping myself on the leather seat, putting on my seatbelt. The drive began, passing through my front yard as we headed to God-knows-where. At the corner of my was a lump on my doorstep. Taking a closer look,it looked like a pile of clothes. Fear suddenly stated creeping in, slowly I turned my attention to the man beside me who was already starting me, creepily. My blood ran cold when realization hit me like a truck.
  There is no way.

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