Rich Bastard✿( Kim Taehyung/ V)

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  I hopped on a foot, trying to wear my flats on the other. I was getting late for work and this shoe is showing no mercy. I ran as fast as my leg could carry . I smile appeared on my face as I saw the building come into view. I didn't look at where I was going and bumped into a hard wall. I fell flat on my butt, drenched with coffee from head to toe. I looked up and made eye contact with the most handsome man I had ever seen. He had a scowl on his face as he stared at me disgustingly.
" Are you blind!? You ruined my shirt!!" I screeched at the handsome stranger.
" Am I blind?, You are the one who didn't look at where she was going" he rehorted sassily. We continued to argue for about five minutes until I had enough.
" Here, buy yourself a new shirt since I apparently ruined it" he sarcastically said, throwing dollar bills at me to show off his wealth. Fucking rich Bastard. I just stomped out of the there and towards my work building. I wasn't going to be late because of him.
   A new boss was arriving today. My old boss's son. Kim Taehyung. I went straight to my cabin and tried to look at least presentable for my new boss. We all stood in the main hall, waiting patiently for our new boss. The brown oak door opened with a loud thud as a man walked in like a model,hands in pocket with his chin up high.
  I wished the floor could swallow me at that moment as I recognized my new boss. It was the rich Bastard from a few minutes ago. I gulped loudly, trying to avoid eye contact with him. I can't believe I insulted my new boss. I  watched wide eyed as my old boss called me to the stage to welcome the new boss as his secretary. I put on a fake smile as I walked up to the stage. I saw his eye widen in realization as he looked at me. I was definitely done for. I avoided looking at him, grabbing the flower and presenting it to Taehyung with a fake smile. He smirked at me noticing my nervousness. I shoved the flowers in his hand and clapping with everyone else , avoiding any Interaction. I felt a hot breath hit my neck as Taehyung whispered
" This is going to be fun"
Oh Lord.

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