Maybe✿( Kim Taehyung/ V)

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   I ran towards the bus before it drove away and hopped on immediately. I couldn't afford to be late. It could've been my fourth detention this week and it's Thursday.
I got to school earlier than I thought. I guess my mom's scolding and beatings paid off. I heard screams from down the hall of the school and mentally rolled my eyes, scoffing. It was the girls going Gaga over that random, annoying dude. What was his name again?... Oh, right. Kim Taehyung,my arch nemesis. Not technically but academically. He was the smartest kid in school,always beating me to the top spot and he just came two years ago. But I had to admit he was the definition of beauty and brains. I prepared myself to walk through the crowd of swarming bee- sorry girls. I pushed with all might and ended up bumping into someone.
" Woah,easy there,y/n?" I recognize that cocky and deep voice anywhere and looked up and lo and behold, It was Taehyung hovering over me. I let out a deep huff. His stupid face had a smirk playing on it. The feeling of wiping it off his face will me such great joy.
" Hey beautiful" he uttered
" Don't call me that" I hissed at him. " Jagiya,why are you so fiesty?"he questioned bending his head to the side that made him look even more handsome. " Leave me Taehyung" I said warningly.
" But-" " I said stop!!"I yelled. I had zero patience and I knew I shouldn't have lashed out like that but he was getting on my last nerves. He just laughed right at my face. He had succeeded in making me lose my cool,again. He was a cocky bastard and I hated him.
I walked out of math class exhausted. We had tons of assignments to finish up in a day. It was lunch so I headed to the cafeteria. I walked in and went to buy my lunch when Taehyung stood beside me with his tray. I saw him but avoided him,besides I was too tired to start another argument. I moved,he also moved. I walked towards a table,he followed. He was copying my every move just to get a reaction but I wouldn't let him win, so I avoided him further.
This continued for about thirty minutes and I could see he was getting to tired but wouldn't give up. I went on with rest of my day in class, him hot behind my trail.
It was the final class of the day and we had an impromptu test. I was prepared but not fully. When the questions were shared,I read through and dived into my work. It seemed easy enough. Unfortunately, Taehyung and I shared this class and he submitted first probably to show off. Instead of going out of the class,he sat back in his seat and just stared,at me. Ughh! He was making lose focus but I resisted. After about a minute,I was on the last question but I couldn't decide between option A or D
and we had just ten minutes left. Taehyung must have noticed that I was stuck, because he stood up and sat on an empty seat near me.
" Which number?" He asked, whispering.
" Why do you care?" I questioned back sassily.
" Do you want to pass or do you want to be at second place again!" He asked with that stupid smirk on his face.
" Fine, number 20"I mumbled, giving up
" D"
We had three minutes left so I chose D and submitted. I knew it was probably wrong because he won't want me to beat him. I packed my bag up and went out of the class, him practicing his new ritual,he followed put.  I sat on the floor near the class and brought out a notebook to confirm my answers. D was infact the correct answer. I looked up to see him grinning weirdly.
" You thought I gave you the wrong answer didn't you?" He asked shaking his head.
" No."
" Sure". He sat down beside me.
" I don't know why you don't like me,but I'll like to make it up to you" he said
" Let's be friends" he continued. He brought out his hand for me to shake.
" Kim Taehyung" I stared at his hand for a solid minute.
" Min y/n, pleased to meet you". 
"No you are not"
" No I am not"

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