0.2-How i met her.

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◇◇◇◇◇◇Annabeth Chase◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

I remember it so well, I was running from some monsters, I was starting to lose hope that Luke, Thalia and Grover would appear, so I took a look at the monsters and realized they both had the same injury in the neck, I could take advantage from that, but then...

"Ouch, so sorry, I wasn't looking." A female voice said from the floor, I turned at the girl, she had electric blue eyes, just like Thalia's, her skin wasn't tanned or too pale either, her black hair reached her shoulders and was kind of wavy, she also had a little scar on her right cheek, she looked my age.

I helped her up "I wasn't looking either" I apologized without looking at the pretty girl, the I heard them.


"Hurry up, they're coming!" I interlocked my fingers (GODS, PERCY WE HAD JUST MET) with hers,"wait who's coming?" She turned to the other side, making me stop.

"Oh... On second thought, you're right. We should hurry up." I rolled my eyes. "Of course i am" I mumbled.

I saw a familiar sandy blonde hair,
"C'mon, Bluey." She was about to reply, but didn't get to " Luke!" I yelled " We've got two, both of them injured in the neck" i told him.

The pret- no strange girl mumbled something I couldn't hear. "Coming, Annabeth get yourself safe, I got this" Luke said, as he drew his sword. He looked confident, so I trusted him.

I pulled the blue-eyed girl in an alley with Thalia and Grover.

"Annabeth!" The older girl yelled, Grover let out sight out of relieve, "Wait a minute, who's this Anne?" The daughter of Zeus asked,

"Victoire Avery, a pleasure until I don't feel like it anymore" she introduced, as I let go of her hand which i had noticed that had bandages and some cuts and burns.

"Who are you, people. And why did you dragged me here?" She said directing the last part to me.

Thalia introduced them, "I'm Thalia, this is Grover, the blonde guy is Luke and this is Annabeth, who I have to ask: why did you dragged her?" Her tone was calm but firm.

"First of all i didn't dragged her"

"You totally did." The three of them said in unison. I shot them a look, "Okay, maybe I did but it was to save her life, there were monsters!" Avery gaved me a weird look that made me think that she was a mortal.

Grover seemed to read my thoughts, "She's not a mortal, definitely a half-blood. She smells like one." Satyrs who understads the fact that they can read emotions? No one!

"Are you sure?" Thalia asked the same as Victoire said: "What do you mean I smell like one? And what the heck is a half-blood? And-" she stopped herself when she saw Grover's legs.

"He's a satyr, half-goat half-human" I explained, she still looked at his legs weird, but when I explained she turned to me real quickly.

"You mean like in the greek myths?"

"Yeah" A familiar voice said: Luke's. "I'm Luke, Luke Castellan, you?'' He asked and I smiled, I guess I was a bit worried about him.

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now