0.4- I fail

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♧♧♧♧♧Grover Underwood♧♧♧♧♧

"We are close" I said nerviously. Ever since Vic had joined us I only talked that way: Scared, nervous. Don't get me wrong, Vic was nice, funny, and seemed to hate pollution, but many satyrs die trying to get to camp one single demigod, I had to get four, plus one of them was a Zeus kid.

I stopped thinking like that, 'No' I told myself, 'You are gonna get them to Camp so they can find a home, and you can find Pan.' With that in my mind, I kept walking, but of course the bad thoughts came again.

What would happen if any of them died? I could never forgive myself, I could get over it, but never forgive me.

"Hey, Grover are we there yet?" Avery's voice waked me up, "Uh. . . Not yet but we are close" I answered, Avery mumbled something about London.

"I'm not good at Geography," Thalia started, "But I'm sure Long Island is closer than London."

Vic simply looked at her and said, "If you had to travel from London to San Francisco you'd feel diferent" Then she added: "In a plane of course."

"Those are like eleven hours and. . . Ten minutes on a plane, for a kid with ADHD that's a lot." Annabeth said.

"And we have been traveling for days, last time I checked a day lasts twenty-four hours." Vic replied, "As far as I know eleven hours are less than twenty-four."

"We are walking, you were on a plane, besides didn't you say you only lived in London when you were a baby?" The blonde haired girl asked.

"That doesn't mean I didn't went there after moving to the other part of the world." Vic answered.

The conversation had distracted me so much, that when I took the turn, I didn't realize anything.

After a few minutes I started to smell something. Bad stuff. That could only mean one thing: Monsters.

"Guys I-"


"Well, well, well, what do we have here, four half-bloods and a satyr? Seems to be our lucky night!" The monster said, and well. . . I don't want to insult anyone but that guy was absolutely horrible, he had thick legs, and. . . Gods, his eyes were as black as Tartarus (Not that I've ever been there), his arms were big, but like really big, I figured out that if he punched I would end up being satyr soup, and it didn't help much that his skin wa grey.

"Our," Luke pointed out "There are more" Both him and Avery got out their weapons.

The monster flinched when he saw the sword, but quickly got confident again when he saw who was using it. "Ha! Letting a little girl use Sword of Thunders, not very smart." He laughed.

Then from the rubble of the explosion another one appeared, thank Pan he was shorter and less muscular.

"Luke, we handle the big one while Grover distracts the shortie one, Vic and Anne will put a thread in that way." Thalia quickly whispered, then she looked Luke, they both nodded and charged, not before Thalia turn her bracelet into her shield.

I took out my red pipes, to distract the one, as I fought-distratected him, I realized what they were, grey skin, big arms, black eyes, we were fighting trolls!

Not good, definetly not good, those things were really strong, and also smelled almost as bad as the pegasi stable after a bad day, please don't ask.

After a while I was getting tired, but I couldn't hide to take a second to rest, because Vic and Annabeth were really close, right behind us close. Finally Luke and Thalia sent to Tartarus the big ugly one, they gave each other a high-five and went to help me.

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now