1.7- Cute little puppy, please don't kill us

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☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

If there were any doubts, it was Annabeth who kicked me.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" I managed to say to Annabeth, well more like yell, "And good morning."

"You were annoying yesterday." Blondie 1.0 replied casually, "but a lot more than usual. Morning to you too."

I cleaned the dirt of my face, "You had such a neat way of waking me up, didn't you?"

"Oh, so sorry!" She falsely apologized, "Next time it'll be water, much more cleaner, right?"

I silently side eyed Percy, who was drooling in his sleep. Eww.

"Water? Isn't that like a disease for you, the daughter of Athena?" I replied, "I wouldn't fancy you catching an ailment just to assist me in a clean manner."

"Your british accent is showing."

I smirked, "I know and I love it."

Annie rolled her eyes playfully.

I would be lying if I said, that I didn't like it when she did that. It's just the way her grey eyes, bright like clouds, just roll around, while she smiles; It feels so perfect, so magical, or maybe I should say, so Harry Potter.

. . . I really like watching the clouds.

And Harry Potter. But mostly the clouds.

I think mostly Annabeth's eyes.

Or Annabeth in general. . .

But mostly Natalie Portman, obviously.

I looked around, noticing Grover wasn't around, only Percy, still drooling. Ewwww.

Wait, didn't Annabeth said something like I also drool?

Nah, no bloody way. Me drooling? Never. I'm british we're supposed to be elegant, drooling in your sleep is not very elegant.

Oh, wait, Grover. Not. Around. Where? He?

"Where's Grover?"

"Went to explore."


"Clearly, " Annabeth said, but then she saw my worried face. "He doesn't have a smell, remember, V? He'll be alright."

"Yeah, sure he will."

"Annnnnnaaaaaabeeeeeeeth!" Grover's voice yelled from the distance.

"What?!" The blonde girl yelled back.


At first everything was normal, just the best satyr of all time, aka Grover, aka my best friend. Well, Grover running to us, with a bright smile in his face.

Then we saw it, or well erm . . . He.

He was all pink, and he was a dog, a poddle to be exact, and Grover was extremely happy talking to him as the satyr slowed down.

"I found him!" Grover said, "Thanks to him, we'll get a ride to the west!"

"How is . . . He gonna get us a ride?" Hey, at least I tried, way better than Percy.

"There's a reward, for returning him" Grover explained, "His name is Gladiola, Gladiola this is Annabeth Chase."

Gladiola barked, as if he was saying Hello to her. Annabeth caught Grover's eyes, the satyr obviously wanted her to say Hello to him.

"Um, hi Gladiola. . ." Annabeth greeted.

"And she," Grover continued, "is Victoire Avery."

Pinky barked again.

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now