1.9- The Lotus Hotel.

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☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

"That's not our way!" The wolf yelled at me.

Well, not at me, me, I mean whoever I was in the dream.

From the moment I fell asleep I immediately started dreaming, in the dream the talking wolf trained me, teaching to not show weakness. It was weird, because every move I would do in real life, whoever I was in the dream would do it, it was as if it was me as in me who the talking wolf was training.

"Again." The wolf said.

Without meaning to, I talked back, "Why?" when I heard my voice, as in my voice I got scared, at first because it was actually me, my voice, or at least, someone that thinks and talks a lot like me.

Then I got scared because I talked, in dreams you don't talk unless the one you're dreaming to be is talking, and usually you have that person's voice.

The wolf decided to answer, "Because . . . because! You have to be trained in our ways."

If wolves can look mad, this one did.
"You are the one . . . Oh, yes . . . The one the teacher from the other side warned me about . . . It has to be you."

I frowned, the one the teacher from the other side warned it about? What sides? Why me? Or whoever I was dreaming to be. But I had bad feeling about this, that it meant me,  like me, me as in Victoire Avery.

Wait . . . I had a bad feeling about this.


"Now, again." It reapeted.

I rolled my eyes and tried the sword technique again.

"Wich part of that's not our way you didn't understand?" Now, it looked angry.

I decided to be annoying, "I understood, I just don't remeber when I said I'd listen to you."

The wolf growled and attacked me, I tried to block it, but it was as if the wolf had unlimited strength, in the end its claws made my cheek full of blood.

The wolf looked pretty satisfied with itself, "Again, now."

But I didn't try it again, instead, I tried to attack it.

Nobody can just attack me like that and get away with it, even a stupid talking wolf from a dream.

The wolf jumped away from the sword.

From the place it was, it looked at me, the look it gived me kinda reminded me of when Master Windu says to Anakin he shall not be a master.

I tried again, then from a second to another, I was on the ground and the stupid talking wolf had its claws against my throat.

"You have . . . That, it?" It looked like it was thinking and if wolves can smile this one did, "Yes, you have it. It's definitely you. You are the one he warned me about."

The wolf went back to its inicial position, "Again."

Even though I felt humillated, (I mean I can defeat monsters easily but not a stupid wolf?) I did the sword technique again, surprisingly the wolf didn't say a thing about, it just started to run toward the door, when it came back it had another sword in its mounth.

It gived me the sword, it was definitely different from the other one, heavier, I noticed.

The wolf walked untill it was in its inicial position.


And I did it again at leats a hundred times more untill I woke up.


Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now