0.3- New Friends

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☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

Everything was like mega weird, but not the bad weird the good one, I guess I felt like that cause' I had never interacted with anybody that wasn't my mother or sister.

Anyways it was cool, meeting people like me, knowing they were like me made me wonder, are they dyslexic, too? ADHD? Weird dreams? More like nightmares thought... Mega impacient about Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets coming out next year? Unhealthy obsesion with Star Wars? With Natalie Portman? Oh, wait mortals also fancy Natalie Portman; at least the decent ones do... Mega impacient about Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars coming out next year? A really weird wish to be an astronaut? Dead siblings?! Oh... no wait I think that one's just me...

We were in an alley, it was already night; so it was Luke's turn to take the watch, bur I was awake too.

Talking about Luke, he had told me he's fourteen, had ran away when he was nine, and had met Thalia at twelve, blondie 2.0 (Luke) was very nice and funny, which was weird, he seemed to be too perfect to be real, but I guess it's okay after all my mortal sister, Dahlia was pretty, nice and funny, I just hope Luke gets a good ending unlike Dahlia, who died when she was eleven a few months ago; How? It's very simple: Car accident, or at least that's what the woman I had to call mother said.

For the past few hours Thalia, Luke and Grover were trying to figure out who my godly parent was, Blondie 1.0 (Annabeth) was trying too, but she had come to one conclusion, or I was Blondie 2.0 sister, or some minor god kid, Thalia had also said that I could be a forgiven child, like her, but she cut herself off when she saw Grover's face turning as white as ice. Luke had told me it was because Grover was only supposed to take Thalia to Camp Half-Blood.

"Then why doesn't he just asks for another satyr to come for us?" I asked Blondie 2.0.

"I don't know, I mean he said he can't, but I don't know why." Luke answered, he let out a sight, "You should sleep, you know." He told me.

"I don't have the most pleaseant dreams" I told him in my usual bored tone.

"Grover said that we all have them, also ADHD, dyslexia and some get really cool powers" He whispered the powers part like it was a secret.


"Yeah, Thalia has some cool powers, she can summon lighthing and I can open practically every padlock" Luke said proudly of his best friend and himself.

"Whoa, wish I had powers like that or to know who my dad is." I said to him. "Hey, we will know once we get to Camp." Luke promised, and I believed him.

I smiled at him, "Thank you, it means a lot" I told him sincerely. "Anytime, anyways I got something for you" He took out something and it was...

A ring?

"A ring?" I let out my thoughts, and for some reason he looked at me weirdly then it was like he remembered something, "Right." He mumbled.

"It's not just a ring, c'mon take a look at this" Luke said and handed the ring to me, it had something writed down.

σπαθί της βροντής

"Sword of thunder." I translated after a few tries, Blondie 2.0 hummed in response, "Yeah, it was gonna be for Thalia but she's already got her spear and shield, and I like that one but I like my sword better, and Annabeth has her dagger." He said.

"What do you mean?, this is a ring, not a weapon." I told him confused, then he touched the ring twice, and it became a sword.

"Whoa, how is that posible?" I asked amazed,

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now