1.3- Capture The Flag

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☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

"Is it true?!"

That was the first thing I heard when I entered the Hermes cabin after a wonderfull bath.

"What?" I managed to say, as I looked around I realized practically everyone was looking at me, I wanted to know why, but I really couldn't blame them, something interesting hadn't happened in ages, plus, it's me who's entering, of course they'll look, at least for a second.

'If I got claimed' I thought, 'Would I draw more attention?'

"Is it true?!" The Stolls repeated, excitedly.

"What's true?" I asked, totally confused, then Chris came foward and explained, "What they are asking, is if it's true that the new boy did some weird water thing to Clarisse, so is it true?"

"Is it?!" The Stolls repeated.

I grinned, "Oh yes it is, you see Clarisse was dragging him to the girl's bathroom and was about to put his head on the toilet." I was about to continue, but them I remembered that Annabeth had to do my chores for three weeks, that made me smile even more.

"And? What happened next?" One of my unclaimed friends, Ethan, asked.

"Right, sorry, well, Clarisse was about to put his head on the toilet, but then, somehow the water seemed to shot her, it shot her so hard she fell, then the toilets and the showers all exploded! It was truly awesome, especially when Percy told her: 'You want to gargle with toilet water again, Clarisse? Shup your mouth'." I finished, imitating Percy.

"He needs a nickname. . Uh. .  what could it be, Connor?!" One of the daughters of Hermes, Cecil Markowitz, yelled.

The Stolls thought of it for a long minute, then they looked st each other, nodded and smiled, "Dear members of the Hermes cabin, we are glad to announce that from now on Percy Jackson will be known as the Supreme Lord of the Bathroom!"
And everything was a mess again, but it was a happy mess, a mess I'd grown to love.

Some were imitating Percy and making fun of Clarisse, some were laughing at those who imitated them.

Then Val entered, with her siblings behind her, I smiled, and, Luke, if you are reading this, by banning me from the training area you haven't ruined my day!


Lie, my day was ruined, because of Val and Chris fighting, again, just that this time they fought in the Dionysus cabin, and Chris, like the idiot he is,started insulting Castor, me and Pollux, too, so that pretty much ruined my day.

Val and Chris had the same mother, they had the same last name, but Chris was an unclaimed, Val on the other hand was a Dionysus kid, ever since she got claimed by Mr. D, they fought all the time, so I was walking towards the training area, until I remembered I was banned from there, dam it, Luke did ruin that day.

I sighed and turned the other way, towards the cabins, with my extremely good luck, I would probably get to the Hermes cabin just in time for dinner.

"You weren't training, were you?" A voice that I knew perfectly, asked. Annabeth, oh wait no, just Annabeth.

"Nope, I was going to, but I remembered that I'm banned, and in my schedule I don't have training right now." I answered, then I noticed she was still all wet.

"Going for a bath?" I asked, even if I already knew the answer.

"Training, but now that I remember..." Annabeth answered, "Yes, a bath. And why were you gonna train?"

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now