1.2- The Water Boy, Percy Jackson

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                   Annabeth Chase
I was playing pinochle with Chiron and Mr. D, but Chiron seemed to be expecting someone else to appear, as he was on his wheelchair, and kept looking around, eventually we heard steps.

"Mr. Brunner!"

I turned to the voice, and there was Percy Jackson, Chiron turned and smiled to him.

"Ah, good, Percy," he said,"Now we have four for pinochle."

He offered Percy a chair to the right of Mr. D, who gave him bloodshot eyes."Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you." Jackson scoffed a little farther away from him, he had experience.

"Annabeth?" Chiron called me.
I came foward and he introduced us, "This young lady nursed you back to health, Percy. Annabeth, my dear, why don't you go check on Percy's bunk? We'll be putting him on cabin eleven for now."

"Sure, Chiron." I said, I looked back at Percy, did he seriously defeated The Minotaur? I had thought that when he wakes up he'll look like somebody who defeated The Minotaur, not like some eleven year old scrawny boy. I took a last glance at his Minotaur horn, he looked at me as if he expected for me to say you defeated The Minotaur! Or you're awesome!

Instead, I said, "You drool when you sleep." Then I sprinted down the lawn.

I made a fast stop in my cabin to grab a book, an architecture book that Vic had stolen for me in the holydays, I opened it and made my way to the Hermes cabin.

There was only one word to describe the Hermes cabin: Messy, everything was always out of place, everyone was so crowded and people talked at the same time so it was really loud, when I entered a dead silence was there, then they all sighed in relieve and everything was a mess again.

I saw a spot for Percy's bunk(that was just his Minotaur horn), which was near the Stolls bed, and next to Vic's sleeping bag, speaking of Vic she isn't here. . . Weird. . .

"You can't do that to me!" Again somebody was yelling,"C'mon Luke, you know you can't!"
Huh, I can almost think that's her voice. . .

"You can't!" Somebody yelled again.

I looked at the owner of the voice: Victoire Avery, being dragged by Luke into the cabin,

"I'm your consealour, yes I can restrain you from training, besides Lee told you to rest," Luke answered, and he looked at Vic, mumbled something in her ear, must have been pretty bad cause' V nodded.

I looked at Vic and she was all sweaty with some cuts in her forearm, and her tiny scar in her right cheek looked like it had re-opened, in short Vic had pushed herself to train more than she should, again.

I finished Percy's bunk and looked around,Vic was already gone.

I made my way towards the door,

"Password!" The Stolls yelled.

"Pranks are life? You two know that I'll pass anyways" They gasped and moved mumbling predictable stuff.

I decided to wait for Chiron and Percy outside the cabin, and to check on Vic, if Luke had banned her from the training area, then she was gonna try to go there the most. It's a good weird, how much I know her.

When I looked around for Chiron, I found Toire, she was sitting in the floor, right next to the cabin, and like she does whenever she is sad, angry or feeling any emotion stronger than usual, she was staring at her grey ring that was placed in her right hand, more specifically in her ring finger.

"You shouldn't have done that, Very." I told her, as I sat next to her.

"I don't really care if I should have done it or not, I just want to get my godly parent to notice me." Vic answered bitterly.
"They will, and if they don't then it's just their lost." Hey, nobody can say I didn't try to cheer her up.

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now