1.13- They call me sunshine.

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♤♤♤♤♤♤♤Melody Davies♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

It was November 2nd when I got to Camp.

But it was October 2nd when my loving mom died. Please don't tell me you're sorry, I've heard those words enough times for a mortal livetime.

Now, why don't we start?

Naturally, when my mom died, I was destroyed, my mom was the only one I ever had. I had no friends, people think I'm freak, since I've got ADHD and dyslexia. I also never met my dad, but mom always said that he loved me, but his father wouldn't let him stay, that his father was dangerous man.

She would always say, 'His father.' Never my grandfather.

Mom also would always say that I looked like my dad, blonde, atheletic, slightly tanned skin, but that I had gotten her emerald green eyes.

My mom died because of cancer, all the money we had was going to her treatment, so I stopped going to school when I finished 6th grade.

Her last words were about me, "My daughter . . . Become a true hero, make me and your father proud. I won't be here to . . ." She coughed, "To protect you, anymore. The only place were you'll be truly safe, that place is in Long Island, look for a strawberry field, it-it is called Camp Half-Blood. Go there and you'll be safe. I-I love-"


But she didn't got to finish, and her emerald green eyes closed.

The doctors came, they tried everything they could, but she still died. The doctors said that I could live in an orphanage, but I had to do what my mom asked, I had to find this 'Camp Half-Blood'.

That's what my mom wanted, and maybe, my dad would be there, after all mom said to make her and my dad proud. How can I make my dad proud if he isn't around?

I lied to the doctors, saying that, I just need to go grab my things back home and that I just need a ride there. They called a taxi and I went back home. It was already night.

My mom and I used to live in an apartment, in Manhattan, but I hadn't been there in a long time. We practically lived in the hospital.

I packed my things and went back at the taxi, thankfully, the doctors didn't told the driver where to go, he just told him to go wherever I choose to go. I decided to live there untill, well, I can't pay rent.

So, I told the driver that I would pay him now but more if in a month, exactly November 2nd in the morning he would take me to Long Island.

Now that I think about it, it's stupid, but I was only twelve back then.

He accepted the deal. But I had no idea where would I get the money.

Then I remembered that one of the neighbors wanted to buy my paintings and songs.

I have a talent for those.

I ran to my room and grabbed all the paintings and songs.

I ran to the Mr's house and I knocked.

Mr. Patterson opened the door, he was a tall man with brown hair and eyes and tanned skin.

He raised an eyebrow, "Melody? What do you need?"

"Do you still like the paintings and songs, Mr. Patterson? I'd like to sell them." I answered.

The brunette smiled, "I'll buy 'em."

He gived me some bucks, wasn't too much but I think it was enough to get a ride to Long Island.

I went back to the apartment I searched for anything that might be helpfull, money, warm clothes cause' it's getting cold and some pictures of my mom and I.

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now