1.12- The one who calls you a friend.

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☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

"For the sake of Olympus."

Those words were repeting inside my head as the elevator opened.

"For the sake of Olympus."

What sake?

The Olympians are all some pathetic excuses for superior beings.

Ares is a good example.

Hera is a good example.

Zeus is a good example.

"I have admitted my wrongdoing, as you have." Poseidon had said.

Did Zeus call me a mistake?

A wrongdoing?

Probably not.

I am not worth the time that it takes to call me any of those words.

"For the sake of Olympus."

But he didn't thought of that when he told Thalia's mother who he really was.

"For the sake of Olympus."

But Poseidon broke the oath and Percy's okay.

"For the sake of Olympus."

But the theft happened.

"For the sake of Olympus."

But he didn't hesitate to blame Poseidon.

A pathetic excuse for a god and king, if you ask me.

Ethan was right.

"You alright?" Percy's voice said from the elevator, he was coming from it.

"Never better." I said bitterly, "Let's go back to Camp."

"Actually . . ."

I turned at Percy, "You want to buy someone something or anything?"

"No. It's just that Poseidon said Hades returned my mom, so . . ." He said.

"Oh, you want to see her, right?"

"Yeah. If you don't mind."

"She's your mother, Perce. C'mon where's the place?"

Percy smiled, "Let's get a taxi first."

When we got to the taxi, Percy was smiling as he looked at the window.

He's smiling because he's happy to see his mother.

I could not relate.



"What's your mother like?" I asked.

He turned to me, "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that you're very happy to see her, and . . . Well, I'm guessing she must be a very good mother."

"Yeah, she is. Do you remember the guy we saw to TV?" He said, "Back in L.A."

"The fat ugly man? He's your step dad, right?"

Percy smiled at 'fat ugly man', "Yeah, his name is Gabe Ugliano. Grover said my mom married him so his human sent would cover my half-blood sent."

"If his sent can cover a big three kid sent then he must be an asshole." I stated.

"Believe me, he is. So that's why my mom is the best, because she married that asshole for me." He said, "And because she makes the best blue cookies."

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now